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Current topics
- Information for providers whose credentials have been affected by a drug conviction
- Suicide prevention training for health professionals
- Policy Statement BON 20-01.1 Continuing Education Requirements During COVID-19 Response - The Board of Naturopathy (board) issued Policy Statement BON 20-01, updated as Policy Statement BON 20-01.1, Continuing Education Requirements During COVID-19 Response (PDF), to address the impact COVID-19 response measures are having on the naturopathic profession with regard to meeting the continuing education (CE) requirements. The board will accept online courses for meeting the CE requirements through December 31, 2021.
- New law related to sexual misconduct violations - During the 2019 legislative session, Substitute House Bill 1198 passed (codified as RCW 18.130.063) that adds requirements to health care practitioners sanctioned for sexual misconduct. This law became effective October 1, 2019. When a health care practitioner has action taken against their license for unprofessional conduct involving sexual misconduct, they are required to notify any patient scheduled for an appointment with that license holder. This is required during the time the health care practitioner is under the formal disciplinary Order or Stipulation to Informal Disposition (STID). The patient notification must include a copy of the Order or STID, a description of the sanctions, how long the license holder will be under the Order or STID, and information on how the patient can get more information.