Healthcare Providers

This page offers resources to assist health care professionals in providing tuberculosis (TB) care. Please contact if you:

  • Need assistance finding a resource or have resource suggestions.
  • Are local health jurisdiction staff or a health officer and would like to obtain access to the TB Partners SharePoint for more public health-specific resources.

Need information on TB screening, testing, and treatment of health care personnel? Go to Facilities and Occupational Health.

Local Public Health

Your local public health authority is a useful resource for TB-related questions. If you suspect active TB, it is required that you report it to your local public health jurisdiction.







  • The BCG World Atlas 
    Provides information on BCG policies and practice for over 180 countries to assist clinicians with interpretation of TB diagnostics. 
  • TST in 3D 
    This online TST/IGRA interpreter estimates the risk of active tuberculosis for an adult based on his/her reaction to a tuberculin skin test (TST) or Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) and clinical profile. 
  • Tuberculin Skin Test Record (PDF) 
    This publication records skin testing information. 




Patient Education

  • Centers of Excellence (COE) TB Training and Education Products
    Educational materials developed by the CDC-funded TB CoEs
  • CDC's Find TB Resources Website
    The information on Find TB Resources is made available as a public service. Neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Prevention Information Network nor WA DOH endorses the organizations, websites, and materials presented. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate this information prior to use based on individual, community, and organizational needs and standards.
  • Clients and the Public
