Frequently Asked Questions

Credential Requirements | Scope of Practice | Supervision Requirements

Credential Requirements

Are certain practices and settings exempt from requiring a credential to practice counseling?

Yes. The legislature identified exemptions in statute. You may find the "exemption activities and individuals" in the rules under RCW 18.19.040 or WAC 246-810-011.

I'm a state employee providing counseling services as part of my position. Do I have to have a credential?

Yes, if you meet the definition of counseling as defined in RCW 18.19.020, you're required to have a counseling credential. 

Scope of Practice

What is the scope of practice for certified advisers?

The scope of practice for certified advisers is outlined in WAC 246-810-0201 and includes appropriate screening of the client's level of functional impairment using the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) tool as described in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Certified advisers provide counseling services dealing with issues related but not limited to: 

  • Gaining awareness and achieving sensitivity of self and others 
  • Discovering, and building on, strengths and abilities 
  • Gaining a stronger sense of self-confidence 
  • Gaining a stronger sense of resiliency in dealing with life’s challenges and changes 
  • Coping with grief and loss 

Supervision Requirements

Who can serve as a certified adviser supervisor?

Any healthcare provider listed in WAC 246-810-026 may serve as a supervisor. This includes certified counselors, hypnotherapists, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, independent clinical social workers, advanced social workers, psychologists, substance use disorder professionals, sex offender treatment providers, sex offender treatment provider affiliates, medical physicians, osteopathic physicians, advanced registered nurse practitioners, and naturopathic physicians.

Where may I find someone to serve as my supervisor? Does the Department of Health or state professional associations have lists of individuals willing to serve as a supervisor?

The Department of Health and state professional associations don't have such lists. It's likely that your best opportunity to find a healthcare provider to serve as a supervisor is by contacting the providers and associates you work with currently or previously. Applicants are highly encouraged to attend the quarterly Certified Counselor – Hypnotherapy Advisory Committee meetings, as potential eligible supervisors serve on the committee. You can find the 2025 meeting schedule on the Certified Counselor – Hypnotherapy Advisory Committee webpage.  

A friend and I are both applying for certified adviser certification. Can we act as supervisors for each other to satisfy that requirement?

No. The rules prohibit such dual role relationships per WAC 246-810-026.

Do I have to apply to the state in order to serve as a supervisor?

No, we don't require you to apply to serve as a supervisor. However, supervisors and credential holders must meet all requirements established in the rules. They may be asked to provide evidence to the department that they meet the requirements of WAC 246-810-026.