Continuing Competency | Denturist Inactive License | Denturist Retired Active License | General | Nonorthodontic Removable Oral Devices and Teeth Whitening Services | Patient Records
Continuing Competency
- What is acceptable continuing competency?
Continuing competency course work must contribute to the professional knowledge and development of the practitioner, or enhance services provided to patients. Refer to WAC 246-812-020
- What is the required number of continuing competency credits?
Currently, licensed denturists must complete 30 clock hours of continuing competency every two years. This will change with your next license renewal. Fifteen clock hours will be required annually. WAC 246-812-020
- Are certain continuing education courses required each year?
No specific continuing competency courses are required annually. Refer to WAC 246-812-020
- How long do I have to keep my documentation of continuing competency?
WAC 246-12-200 requires licensees to keep continuing competency records for four years.
- Are there stipulations on the type of continuing competency I can get, e.g. online versus lecture?
Refer to WAC 246-812-020
- If I volunteer, does that count as continuing competency?
Yes. Refer to WAC 246-812-020.
- May I count continuing competency hours from one year in the next year?
No. You may not carry over continuing competency in excess of the required hours earned in a reporting cycle to the next reporting cycle. Refer to WAC 246-12-230
- May I get an extension of time to complete my continuing competency?
Denturists may be excused from or granted an extension of continuing competency requirements because of illness or other extenuating circumstances. The law requires continuing competency to renew your annual license. Any requests should be made several weeks before your renewal date to prevent delays in processing your license renewal. Requests must be in writing and sent to the Board of Denturists Program Manager by email or mail:
Washington State Board of Denturists
P.O. Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852You may not practice without an active license.
Denturist Inactive License
- How do I get an inactive denturist license?
You must first have an active denturist license. You must request an inactive license in writing and pay the inactive status renewal fee. Refer to WAC 246-812-161 and WAC 246-12-090
- May I practice in Washington with an inactive denturist license?
No. Law indicates you shall not practice denturism in Washington State without first having an active license. Refer to RCW 18.30.140
- Is continuing competency required to renew my inactive denturist license?
No. Continuing competency will be required when you choose to return your denturist license to active status.
- Is there a time limit to how long my license can be on an inactive status?
Yes. Refer to WAC 246-812-161 Inactive License.
- How do I renew my inactive denturist license?
Denturists must renew their inactive license annually on or before their birthday. They are required to submit the required fee. Please keep your address updated to receive courtesy renewal notices.
Your renewal must be postmarked or received by midnight of the expiration date or it is considered late. A late fee will be assessed. You may pay through regular or overnight mail, in person or online. Your inactive license may be renewed up to 90 days before it expires. You should receive a courtesy renewal reminder six to eight weeks before the license expires. If you don't receive the notice within four weeks of your expiration date, please call 360-236-4700 or email us for help.
We can't accept credit or debit cards over the phone. We do accept MasterCard or Visa credit or debit cards at the front counter or online.
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099 - How do I return to an active denturist license?
Refer to WAC 246-812-161.
Denturist Retired Active License
- How do I get a retired active license?
You must first have an active denturist license. You must request a retired active license in writing and pay the retired active status renewal fee. Refer to WAC 246-812-165 and WAC 246-12-120.
- How many days a year may I practice with a retired active license?
You may practice only in intermittent or emergent circumstances.
Intermittent means you will practice no more than 90 days a year. Refer to WAC 246-812-165.
Emergent means you will practice only in emergency circumstances such as earthquakes, floods, times of declared war, or other states of emergency.
- How do I renew my retired active denturist license?
Denturists must renew their retired active license annually on or before their birthday. They're required to submit the required fee. Please keep your address updated to receive courtesy renewal notices.
Your renewal must be postmarked or received by midnight of the expiration date or it's considered late. A late fee will be assessed. You may pay through regular or overnight mail, in person or online. Your inactive license may be renewed up to 90 days before it expires. You should receive a courtesy renewal reminder six to eight weeks before the license expires. If you don't receive the notice within four weeks of your expiration date, please call 360-236-4700 or email us for help.nbsp;
We can't accept credit or debit cards over the phone. We do accept MasterCard or Visa credit or debit cards at the front counter or online.
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099 - Is continuing competency required to renew my retired active denturist license?
Yes. You must complete 15 hours of continuing competency every year.
- How do I return to an active denturist license?
Refer to WAC 246-12-140.
- Chapter 18.30 and RCW and Chapter 246-812 WAC: What are the major changes?
SHB 1270 amended chapter 18.30 RCW making the Board of Denturists the disciplining authority for licensed denturists. Rules are aligned with the bill by amending the continuing competency requirements; clarifying the inactive status license requirements; adopting sexual misconduct rules; changing the board's title to Board of Denturists; adding a retired active status; and repealing obsolete reporting rules.
- Who do I contact if I need additional information?
You may contact the Customer Service Office by phone at 360-236-4700 or by email.
- If my license expired, how do I get it reinstated?
Refer to WAC 246-12-040 How to return to active status when a credential has expired.
- I'm licensed in another state. Is there reciprocity?
We don't have reciprocity with any other state. There is licensure by endorsement. Refer to RCW 18.30.090 and WAC 246-812-125.
- Do I have to post my license?
Yes. The rules require all people who engages in the practice of denturism in this state to display their licenses in a place plainly visible to people receiving services on the premises. WAC 246-812-350
- Can I have a post office box listed on my license?
No. The license must list the physical business address or addresses where you engage in the practice of denturism.
- If I have a concern about a dentist or other licensed person's conduct or quality of work, is there a certain protocol to address the issue?
Refer to Health Professions Complaint Process and frequently asked questions.
Nonorthodontic Removable Oral Devices and Teeth Whitening Services
- How do I get an endorsement for nonorthodontic removable oral devices and teeth whitening services?
You must submit to the Department of Health the approved declaration form verifying completion of education and training in nonorthodontic removable oral devices and teeth whitening. The department will update our records and issue you a new license with the endorsement.
- May I get the education and training from anyone?
You must get the education and training through a board-approved program or course.
- Is there an application and fee to get the endorsements?
No application or fee is required to get the endorsements. You do have to submit the original declarations. Keep a copy of the declarations for your records.
- When can I submit the declarations to receive my endorsements?
You may submit the signed declarations at any time. The endorsements won't be issued until July 1, 2014 as this is the effective date of the legislation.
- What must the approved education and training consist of?
- A minimum of four hours of instruction in snore guards and sleep apnea;
- A minimum of two hours of instruction in bruxism devices, sports mouth guards, and removable cosmetic devices; and
- A minimum of two hours of instruction in teeth whitening services.
Refer to WAC 246-812-240 and WAC 246-812-250.
- Who is approved by the Board of Denturists to provide the required education and training?
Listed below are the programs or courses that have been approved:
- Bates Technical College, Denturist program - Naser Al-tameemi, Licensed Denturist - Approved for nonorthodontic removable oral devices and teeth whitening services. The course is a two-day, 12-hour program.
- Carlo Zanon, DD, LD. FCAD - Snore Guards and Sleep Apnea - Approved for seven hours.
- Ultradent - Shannon Pace-Brinker, CDA, CDD - Approved for:
- Bruxism devices and sports mouth guards - two hours
- Removable cosmetic appliances - two hours
- Teeth whitening services - two hours
- American Denturist College - Todd Young, BS, LD - Approved for nonorthodontic removable oral devices and teeth whitening services. This training consists of 30-hours and is included in the denturist program curriculum. It is not a stand alone course.
- How long are my endorsements valid?
There are no expiration dates for the endorsements. They are valid for as long as you maintain your denturist license. Refer to the next question.
- Is continuing competency required to maintain my endorsements?
A denturist who has an endorsement to provide nonorthodontic removable oral devices must complete two hours of continuing competency every three years. This must include continuing competency in making, placing, constructing, altering, reproducing, or repairing bruxism devices and snoring devices. Refer to WAC 246-812-020.
- What do I have to provide to a patient receiving teeth whitening services?
You shall provide the patient with written and verbal information, and answer any questions related to teeth whitening and teeth whitening solutions. You shall get written patient consent on a form approved by the board for the procedure(s) and retain the signed form in the patient record.
- Where can I get a copy of the Patient Informed Consent form?
You may download the board approved patient informed consent form here.
- What is considered to be a nonorthodontic removable oral device?
Nonorthodontic removable oral devices are limited to:
- Bruxism devices also known as occlusal splints, occlusal bite guard, bruxism appliance, bite plate, and night guard;
- Sports mouth guards;
- Removable cosmetic appliances, regardless of whether the patient is missing teeth; and
- Snoring devices, but only after a physician has rules out snoring associated with sleep breathing disorders to include obstructive sleep apnea.
- Are there any devices I may not provide?
Yes. This doesn't include making, placing, constructing, altering, reproducing, or repairing nonorthodontic removable oral devices intended to treat obstructive sleep apnea or to treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
Patient Records
- How do I withdraw responsibility for a patient of record?
Refer to WAC 246-812-340.
- Can a denturist charge a patient for a copy of the patient record?
Yes. RCW 70.02 governs medical records - healthcare information access and disclosure. RCW 70.02.010, RCW 70.02.080, and WAC 246-08-400 provides how much can be charged.
- How long must a denturist keep a patient record?
At least six years, according to the record retention and accessibility requirements of WAC 246-812-320.
- What needs to be recorded in the patient record?
Refer to WAC 246-812-310 Record Content.