Rules in Progress

The Board of Denturists occasionally makes changes to rules. The board determines rule changes are necessary for many reasons including: legislative law changes, request to change a rule, national standards change, and updating outdated rule language. The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

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Denturist laws and rules are on our Laws webpage.

Rules in Progress

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

To get updates about rule making and other topics related to denturists, subscribe for updates at the bottom of the page.

Current Rules in Progress

Substantial Equivalency Standards  

The Board of Denturist (board) filed a CR 101 Preproposal Statement of Inquiry as WSR #24-10-064 (PDF) on April 26, 2024, for WAC 246-812-120, 125, 159. The board authorized rulemaking to align WAC with Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1724. The board is considering updates to reduce licensure barriers and will address jurisprudence examination requirements for Denturists. The board is considering adopting substantial equivalency standard rules in order to comply with 2SHB 1724 (CHAPTER 425, Laws of 2023). 

Recently Completed Rule Changes

Denturist Prefabricated Implant Abutment and Purpose Statement 

New section WAC 246-812-462 was adopted by the Board of Denturists (board) for the use of placement of prefabricated implant abutments. The adopted establishes the requirements that are to be followed in order for a licensed denturist to place a prefabricated implant abutment on an implant for the purpose of fabricating, repairing, relining, or rebasing a denture. 

The board amended WAC 246-812-501 to ensure that a licensed denturist develop and maintain written infection control policies, procedures, and requirements for infection prevention and control that are appropriate for the denturist services provided by the facility. 

The Board of Denturists (board) has adopted a new rule (WAC 246-812-462) for the placement of prefabricated implant abutments. The board also amended WAC 246-812-501 Purpose. The CR-103 rule-making order filed as WSR # 24-02-029 (PDF) on December 22, 2023. The new rule and amendment went into effect on January 22, 2024.  

Health Equity Continuing Competency 

The Board of Denturists adopted a new section, WAC 246-812-159001, to implement Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5229 (chapter 276, Laws of 2021). The board adopted the health equity model rules, WAC 246-12-800 through 246-12-830, for denturists to comply with RCW 43.70.613. The adopted rule adds two hours of health equity education, as required in the model rules, to be completed as part of the current continuing competency requirements every four years.

The adopted rule does not change the total CE hours but requires two hours in health equity CE every four years which is absorbed into the existing number of CE hours required. The health equity CE requirement is counted under existing, unspecified CE requirements for the profession.

The board adopted the rules at a public rules hearing held on June 16, 2023, in Tumwater, Washington. The board thanks everyone who participated in this rule-making process.

The board did not receive any comments to the rules. The board adopted the language as published with the Office of the Code Reviser under WSR 23-16-143 on August 02, 2023.

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