The Healthy Eating Active Living Program (HEAL) strives to reduce the burden of obesity and chronic disease and increase the proportion of Washingtonians with a healthy weight. We work on equitable and sustainable solutions to improve nutrition, increase physical activity, and support breastfeeding in early learning, schools, communities, worksites, healthcare and faith-based settings.
HEAL builds a healthier Washington through policy, systems and environmental changes that make it easier for people to eat healthy and be active—wherever they are. Evidence shows that people are more likely to make healthy choices when organizations, communities, and social structures support them. We target resources to underserved communities and populations with higher rates of obesity, food insecurity, poor nutrition and poor physical activity.
Key Activities
- Implement the Healthy Nutrition Guidelines in State Agencies (Executive Order 13-06)
- Coordinate Breastfeeding Friendly Washington
- Lead and coordinate Washington's Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentives (FINI) Program
- Work with partners to improve food options in retail, food banks and restaurants (PDF)
- Work with partners on Complete Streets, Safe Routes to School, and Shared Use
- Work with partners in early learning to support healthy eating and active play in childcare
- Analyze and report data
HEAL Resources
- Growing Nourishing Food Systems Guide (PDF)
- Health of Washington State Data Reports
- Active Community Environments Toolkit
For more information contact us at