Extreme Heat

Hot Weather Safety

Extreme heat is the deadliest weather-related hazard in the United States. Washington summers are getting longer, hotter, and potentially more dangerous. Extreme heat events (heat waves) are predicted to happen more often and last longer due to climate change.

Heat-related deaths are preventable. The best way to prevent heat-related illnesses and death is to follow hot weather safety precautions.

Information on Extreme Heat

CDC Extreme Heat - English / Spanish

Health Recommendations

Washington Hot Weather Precautions (Web): English / Spanish

Washington Hot Weather Precautions (PDF): English (Large Type) / Spanish / Chinese (Simplified) / Korean / Russian / Somali / Ukrainian / Vietnamese

Washington Labor & Industries Outdoor Safety for Workers: English / Spanish

Cooling Centers

During periods of extreme heat, cooling centers may be established in your area and are free to the public. Dial 2-1-1 or use the statewide online resource here to find cooling centers near you. Language assistance is available.

Cooling Without Air Conditioning

Tips to cool indoor air in a safe manner when air conditioning is not available: Cooling Indoor Spaces Without Air Conditioning

Research and Data

Additional Resources