- 健康专业人员投诉信息
- 健康设施投诉信息
- 成人家庭之家、辅助式生活设施以及专业护理设施 / 疗养院受到社会与卫生服务部的监管,其联系电话为866-363-4276
Health Systems Quality Assurance Complaint Intake(健康系统质量保证投诉接纳处)
P. O. Box 47857
Olympia, WA 98504-7857
电话:360-236-4700 | 电子邮箱
Please note that some links to federal government websites may be broken due to executive orders of the new presidential administration.
Health Systems Quality Assurance Complaint Intake(健康系统质量保证投诉接纳处)
P. O. Box 47857
Olympia, WA 98504-7857
电话:360-236-4700 | 电子邮箱