Newborn Screening Facility Search:
Provider ID / Type | Provider | Address | Phone / FAX |
M9572 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Emilia Smith | Emilia Smith |
P:5038051143 F:8883175548 |
M9603 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Emilie Jenkins LM | Emilie Jenkins LM |
P:3602580475 F:3608591609 |
M0948 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Emily Joy Tyde LM Sage Midwives |
Emily Joy Tyde LM |
P:3604478214 F:7326405310 |
M0968 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Emily Joyce Jones | Emily Joyce Jones |
P:2068618300 F:2068618305 |
M0958 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Emily Lawrence-Pine | Emily Lawrence-Pine |
P:4252078769 F:8552259697 |
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