Marine Recovery Areas
Areas adjacent to Puget Sound that have pollution problems linked to on-site sewage systems (OSS) are called Marine Recovery Areas (PDF). State rules, Chapter 70A.110 RCW, requires Local Health Jurisdictions have enhanced OSS management programs for these areas to protect public health and Puget Sound water quality. As part of the enhanced program they must:
- Inventory and inspect all OSS in Marine Recovery Areas.
- Identify failing systems and ensure they are either repaired or replaced.
- Develop and maintain electronic data systems capable of sharing OSS information with other regulators.
Enhanced Management Areas
Enhanced Management Areas are areas sensitive to pollution from OSS. These areas need an OSS inspection reporting program to protect public health and the environment. State rules, Chapter 246-272A-0015 WAC, requires Local Health Jurisdictions develop a written plan that provides guidance regarding development and management activities for all OSS within their jurisdiction. Local Health Jurisdictions evaluate and establish these areas and develop management programs that make sure OSS inspections are completed. The map below shows counties with management plans.

Counties with at least one Management Area are colored.
For questions, contact the Wastewater Management Section or call 360-236-3330.