You may have heard that the federal Department of Health and Human Services has recommended a level of 0.7 milligrams per liter as optimal for fluoride in drinking water throughout the United States.
The State Board of Health, which oversees the state's fluoridation of drinking water rule, has revised the rule to reflect this new standard. The new rule was adopted by the Board on March 9, 2016, and went into effect May 9, 2016.
Learn more about fluoride in drinking water.
- Fluoride in Our Water: Facts You Need To Know to Make a Healthy Choice, American Academy of Pediatrics (includes video)
- The Debate Over Fluoridated Water, American Academy of Pediatrics
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Community Water Fluoridation webpage
Oral Health Training for Healthcare Professionals
Smiles for Life is a comprehensive oral health curriculum for healthcare professionals and health educators. This American Dental Association endorsed curriculum is designed to enhance the role of primary care clinicians in the promotion of oral health for all age groups. This curriculum includes oral health training for all ages and offers free CME to healthcare providers.
Who can apply fluoride varnish?
Dental personnel working under the guidelines of WAC 246-814-020 and 246-815-260 may apply fluoride varnish in school settings.
Medical personnel working under the delegation of a licensed physician with documentation of completion of a training program on fluoride varnish are also qualified to apply fluoride varnish in health settings.
Community Water Fluoridation
- Department of Health Statement of Support to Water Fluoridation (PDF)
- Oral Health Equity Assessment (
- American Dental Association—Fluoride in Water
- American Dental Association—download Fluoridation Facts (PDF)
- American Public Health Association—Policy on Community Water Fluoridation
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—Water Fluoridation Resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—Water Fluoridation Data and Statistics
- Fluoride for Water Systems
- CDC Scientific Statement on Community Water Fluoridation
- Coalition in Defense of Oral Health: The Power of Fluoridation
Preventing Fluorosis
- Infants, formula, and fluoride: The Journal of the American Dental Association
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—Community Water Fluoridation Frequently Asked Questions
Topical Fluorides
- Fluoride Varnish: An Effective Tool for Preventing Dental Caries (PDF) (Fact Sheet)
- Fluoride Varnish: An Evidence- Based Approach (brief) presents the best available evidence to help professionals design and evaluate community-based programs that use fluoride varnish (PDF)
- Fluoride Varnish Information for Parents (PDF) (Fact Sheet)
- Fluoride Varnish Policy Statement (PDF)
- Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States. MMWR 2001
- Resource Highlights: Focus on Fluoride Varnish (guide) provides a short list of high-quality journal articles, materials, and web sites on this topic
- Topical Fluoride Recommendations for High Risk Children 2007 (PDF) Recommendations from Maternal and Child Health Bureau Expert Panel
Oral Health Links
Links to external resources are provided as a public service and do not imply endorsement by the Washington State Department of Health.