This page provides housing information for person living with HIV/AIDS and housing support services coordinators.
Information for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) is a federally funded program. The program is dedicated to meet the housing needs of low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Assistance provided regardless of race, culture, language, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability, creed, socio-economic status, marital status, familial status, or sexual orientation. Services provided are based on each eligible household's needs to support housing stability and improve their access to healthcare and supportive services.
What kind of services can HOPWA provide?
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
TBRA is a rental subsidy used to help households obtain or maintain permanent affordable housing by paying the difference between the contractual rent to the owner and the household's calculated rent payment.
Permanent Housing Placement (PHP)
PHP is assistance used to help households establish a permanent residence in which continued occupancy is expected. Eligible costs include application fees, related credit checks, utility hookup fees and deposits, and reasonable security deposits necessary to move persons into permanent housing .
Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility assistance (STRMU)
STRMU provides short-term, rent, mortgage, and utility payments for households experiencing a financial crisis as a result of their HIV health condition or a change in their economic circumstances. STRMU is designed to prevent households from becoming homeless by helping them remain in their own dwellings.
Support Services
Assistance including, but not limited to, housing counseling, resource identification services, nutritional services, transportation assistance, and assistance in gaining access to mainstream resources.
How do I apply for HOPWA?
For instructions on where to access a HOPWA agency in your area, select your county from the drop-down list below (some counties serve multiple agencies). Someone at your local HOPWA agency will assist you with the eligibility process.
- Asotin, Benton, Franklin, Garfield and Walla Walla Counties
Community Action Connections - Home Base Program
720 W. Court St.- Pasco, WA 99301
Phone: 509-545-4042
www.bfcac.orgHousing First is a core belief of our Home Base Housing programs. Services are provided without regard to participants' engagement in services, lack of income, or substance use. We focus on rapid placement into permanent housing and progressive engagement of the participant. Housing stability planning is strength-based and individualized to the needs of the household, with active customer voice and participation.
- Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla and Whitman Counties
Spokane AIDS Network
SAN - Spokane AIDS Network
1103 W 5th Ave, Spokane, WA 99204
Phone: 509-844-1758
www.sannw.orgHousing services are based on assessment, eligibility, and availability of funds. Please phone for appointment.
Spokane Regional Health District
1101 W College Avenue – Third Floor, Room 372 – Spokane WA 99201
Phone: 509-324-1542 (M-F 8am – 5pm)Housing services are based on assessment, eligibility, and availability of funds. Please phone for appointment.
- Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Klickitat, Kittitas, Okanogan, and Yakima Counties
Neighborhood Connections
102 S Naches Avenue – Yakima WA 98901
Phone: 509-834-2098https://www.ynhs.org/programs/homeless-services
HOPWA housing services are based on eligibility, assessment and availability of funds.
- Island, San Juan, Skagit and Whatcom Counties
Sean Humphrey House
1630 H Street – Bellingham WA 98225
Phone: 360-733-0176
Email: info@seanhumphreyhouse.org
https://www.seanhumphreyhouse.orgSean Humphrey House provides care and community in a family-home setting for adults living with HIV.
- Clark and Cowlitz Counties
Cascade AIDS Project
100 E 33rd Street Suite 201A – Vancouver WA 98663
Phone: 360-750-7964
https://www.cascadeaids.orgCAP's Housing Program is a referral-based program. Clients access the program through a Medical Case Manger referral at our Vancouver Office. For additional questions about our programs, to schedule an intake, or to ask about eligibility, please contact our office.
- Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties
Coastal Community Action Program
101 E Market St – Aberdeen WA 98520
Phone: 360-533-5100 or 360-500-4552
https://www.coastalcap.orgServices are based on eligibility, assessment and availability of limited funds and are by appointment only.
- Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap and Mason Counties
Kitsap Public Health District
345 6th Street, Suite 300 – Bremerton WA 98337
Phone: 360-728-2235 or 360-728-2242
https://www.kitsappublichealth.orgClients of Kitsap Public Health District will work with case management staff as well as other housing agencies that KPHD partners with to assess housing needs. As funding allows the programs will be used to assist clients to stabilize, maximize successful housing outcomes for clients as needed.
- King and Snohomish Counties
1122 E Pike Street, Suite 764 – Seattle WA 98122
Phone: 360-932-3420 or 206-957-1762
https://www.lifelong.orgLifelong is supported with a separate HOPWA grant through Seattle King County and not through the Washington State Department of Health.
When contacting Lifelong, you will be asked a series of questions about your current housing situation and schedule for an assessment appointment. If you reach a voice mail, please leave detailed information about your needs, which county you live in and your phone number.
- Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield, and Asotin Counties
Offices located in Walla Walla, Kennewick, and Clarkston.
Phone: 509.529.4744
Fax: 509.628.5250
Email: info@bmh2h.orgHOPWA Program Manual
The following manual provides guidance for Washington state DOH HOPWA sub-recipients to comply with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal guidelines.
Other Resources