All adults need immunizations to protect their health. This page provides immunization information and resources for both adults and healthcare providers.
- Current recommended adult immunization schedule (PDF) (CDC) - Find out what vaccines you may need based on your age and health conditions. You can also view the webpage on recommended vaccines for adults.
- Adults with health conditions (CDC) - Recommended vaccines based on your lifestyle and health status.
- Adult immunization frequently asked questions - Get the answers to common questions about adult vaccines.
- MyIR - Access your immunization records at any time from the Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS) through the consumer access portal, MyIR. It provides your immunization history and a schedule showing any vaccines you need.
“Before bringing my baby to work, I asked my co-workers to ensure they'd been vaccinated in order to protect Leo from things like whooping cough and the flu.”
~ Andrea, Olympia, WA
For Healthcare Providers
- Standards for Adult Immunization Practice - Use these four national standards to increase vaccination coverage rates among adult patients in your clinic.
- The Importance of Adult Immunizations (PDF) and Spanish (PDF) – This educational manual provides information for health promoters and community health workers to educate in groups or individually. It focuses on the importance of adult immunizations and the diseases they prevent. It's colorful and easy to understand! You can print it and use it as a flipbook.
- Compare adult immunization coverage rates nationally and by state (CDC) - View the estimated number of adults in the U.S. who have received particular vaccines.
- AdultVaxView - The CDC publishes yearly adult vaccination coverage estimates at the local, state, regional, and national levels on this interactive website.
- Adult vaccination resources (CDC) - Find information and tools to help you and your clinic stay up to date on vaccination standards and practices. Use the resources to help educate your patients on the importance of adult immunization.
- Adult Vaccinations: Team-Based Immunization (American Medical Association) - Earn CME 0.5 credits with this online training module that will help you improve adult vaccination rates in your practice. You can implement an adult immunization program in your practice by following just six STEPS.
- Vaccinating Adults: A Step-by-Step Guide (Immunization Action Coalition) – This guide describes how to implement adult vaccination services in your healthcare setting. It provides a review for staff who already vaccinate adults; IAC Guide available for free download.
- Flu and Tdap vaccines for healthcare workers (PDF)