Immunization Data

Washington State immunization rates are available from multiple data sources.

Read on for links to data sources.

Available Data by Source

Report: HPV Vaccination at 9 Years Old, Washington State

To improve HPV vaccination coverage, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has been implementing public health messaging surrounding HPV vaccination since 2017, with letters and guidance being sent to providers and advocates around the state. In 2022, the Washington State Vaccine Advisory Committee formally requested the Secretary of Health encourage providers to routinely start HPV vaccination at age nine and to track and publish state and county data on HPV vaccination coverage rates for children ages 9-10 years old. This report covers age 9 through twelve data, discussions, and more.

HPV Vaccination at 9 Years Old, Washington State (PDF)

Report: Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Vaccine Doses Administered and Routine Childhood Vaccination Coverage (June 2019 – December 2021)

Disruptions to schooling, childcare and in-person health care starting in March 2020 resulted in delays to routine well child visits. The Washington State Department of Health Office of Immunization explored vaccine doses administered, and coverage in children, for four age groups to describe the effects of these delays.

Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS)

The IIS is a lifetime registry that tracks immunization records for people of all ages in Washington. Immunization rates for children, adolescents, and adults are available through the IIS. This data source is best used to calculate childhood immunization rates. The Department of Health publishes annual data for immunization coverage among toddlers, children, and adolescents by county and state.

Washington State School Immunization Data

Each fall, Washington schools must report immunization coverage for their student population to the Department of Health. Data tables, graphs and, maps are available for kindergartners, 6th graders, and all students in grades K through 12.

Washington Immunization Scorecard

The Scorecard provides a quick glance at Washington's immunization coverage. It is intended to inform health care providers, policy makers, partners and the public about our progress toward our immunization goals. The Scorecard features rates for key childhood, adolescent, and adult immunizations. Data come from school coverage reports, the National Immunization Survey, and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

The first Scorecard was released in April 2016 and contains data for 2014. Scorecards will be updated annually.

CDC – National Immunization Survey (NIS)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducts an annual national telephone survey to assess immunization rates. Data are available for two year-olds and adolescents. This survey is the gold standard for immunization rates and can be used to compare immunization coverage by state and year. National NIS data are available here.

Washington State and CDC - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

The BRFSS is an annual phone survey of health behaviors. BRFSS data are used to assess adult immunization coverage at the national, regional, state, and county levels.

The Department of Health collects and analyzes state and county level adult immunization coverage through BRFSS for pneumococcal and flu vaccines. Data usually have a one year lag period.

The CDC publishes BRFSS data including adult immunization rates for influenza, pneumococcal and tetanus vaccines by state, region, and for the US on its website.

Available data sets go back to 1997.

CDC – Adult vaccination coverage data

The CDC publishes annual adult vaccination coverage estimates at the local, state, regional, and national levels on their interactive AdultVaxView website.

CDC – Flu vaccination coverage data

The CDC publishes annual flu vaccination coverage at the national and state levels on their interactive FluVaxView website. Data are available for the last five flu seasons.

Quick Guide to Available Data

Population Data source(s) Available breakdowns Available years Commonly used vaccines and vaccine series Commonly used age groups
Toddlers and young children NIS nation, region, state 1995 - present 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 by vaccine and for the series 19-35 month-olds
IIS state and county 2002 - present (more complete data for more recent years) 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 by vaccine and for the series 19-35 month-olds
HEDIS Combination 10 2 year-olds
School aged children WA school data state, regional service area (RSA), county, educational service district, school district, school 1998 - present Immunizations required for entry to WA schools Kindergartners
6th graders
All students in K-12
Adolescents NIS nation, region, state 2006 - present 1:1:1 series 13-17 year-olds, HPV often stratified by sex
IIS state and county by sex 2002 - present (more complete data for more recent years) 1:1:3 series
Adults NIS nation, region, state 2007 Pneumococcal


18-49 year-olds

Everyone 18+ years-old

Everyone 65+ years-old
BRFSS BRFSS- CDC: nation and state 1984- present Pneumococcal
Everyone 65+ years-old
BRFSS- WA: state and county 1995 - 2006 data are posted on web; more recent data are available upon request
NHIS nation 1963- present

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Pertussis containing vaccine

Everyone 18+ years-old
Healthcare workers NHIS nation 2+ years of data Tetanus N/A
CDC FluVaxView nation, health care facility type 2009- present Influenza N/A
Pregnant women CDC FluVaxView nation and state 2009- present Influenza N/A

Additional Information

If you are unable to find the data you need, please contact us at If you would like to submit a data request, please fill out our data request form (Word). We accept special data requests from partners and the public but are temporarily unable to guarantee a turnaround time.