See our Frequently Asked Questions about Critical Incident Reporting Requirements webpage.
Behavioral health agency (BHA) critical incident reporting requirements are directed by WAC 246-341-0420.
Residential treatment facility (RTF) reporting requirements are directed by WAC 246-337-065.
Each BHA licensed by the Department of Health (department) must have policies and procedures for reporting critical incidents related to an individual seeking or receiving services. Licensed BHAs must report to the department any serious or undesirable outcome that occurs in an agency within 48 hours of the incident. Such outcomes include, but are not limited to, the following, by way of example:
- Deaths, including death by suicide, that occur on the campus of a BHA
- Injuries resulting in admission to a hospital
- Alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual receiving services
- Outbreak of a communicable disease
Licensed RTFs must report to the department and other appropriate agencies, by the end of the next business day of the incident occurring, the items listed above and disruption of services through internal or external emergency or disaster.
See the department's Critical Incident Reporting FAQ webpage for more information or if you are unsure what to report.
How to report a critical incident:
Submit a department intake form online.
The death of an individual enrolled in an Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) that does not occur on the premises of the licensed agency must be reported to the department within 48 hours upon learning of the death by submitting:
- OTP Death Reporting Form online
- And contacting your accrediting body
The death of an individual enrolled in an OTP that occurs on the campus of an OTP must be reported as a critical incident using the department intake form.
Other Resources
- Adverse Event Reporting – (Applies to hospitals, psychiatric hospitals (behavioral health hospitals), child birthing centers, Department of Corrections medical facilities and ambulatory surgical facilities.)
- Facility Complaint Intake Process
- Health Professions Complaint Process
- Health Professions Mandatory Reporting
- Notifiable conditions