Licensing Information


Apply Online

Getting started

Online Application Instructions

Online application instructions are on our website.

Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.

Apply on Paper

The following PDF and Word forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.

By exam

By score transfer

By reciprocity

By reciprocity foreign graduates

Foreign graduates

Applicants who graduated from a Canadian school or college of pharmacy must apply by completing the appropriate foreign graduate application listed below.

NABP and tests

Expired pharmacist

Forms to Report Internship hours (Foreign Graduates or otherwise required by law or rule)

Other forms:

Pharmacist collaborative drug agreement (prescribing protocol)

Fee Schedule

WAC 246-945-990: Pharmaceutical licensing fees and renewal cycle

  • Original credential (Pharmacist) - $400
  • Retired active credential application - $50
  • Retired active credential renewal - $50
  • Renewal/inactive - $530
  • Late renewal penalty -$265
  • Expired credential reissuance - $265
  • Inactive credential renewal - $265
  • Temporary permit - $100
  • Reciprocity (license by license transfer) - $465

Fees submitted with applications for initial credentialing, examinations, renewal and other fees associated with the licensing and regulation of the profession are nonrefundable, per WAC 246-12-340.

Licensing Requirements

Educational and experience training

ACPE Graduate – Original License: Applicants for a pharmacist license must be at least 18 years of age; and hold a baccalaureate or doctorate degree in pharmacy from a school or college or pharmacy accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Official transcripts sent directly from the school or college or pharmacy must show documentation of the degree earned.

The Washington Pharmacy Quality Assurance commission accepts internship hours completed as part of a commission accredited school or college of pharmacy or certifying state. Please see WAC 246-945-162 (1)(a) and (1)(b) if documentation is needed

Foreign-Trained: WAC 246-945-162 Applicants whose academic training and education in pharmacy is from an institution in a foreign county must provide a copy of their certification from the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC) and their Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination (FPGEE) score, and documentation of a passing score for the test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL iBT). Note, the FPGEC certificate program includes a review of the applicant's foreign education and license or registration, the FPGEE, and TOEFL iBT. Please see WAC 246-945-162 (2) for required documentation.

An applicant must earn 1,500 intern hours under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist.

Reciprocity/ License Transfer: Applicants seeking a pharmacist license by reciprocity or license transfer must hold an active pharmacist license. Note: The licensed used to transfer to Washington is not required to be maintained after the Washington pharmacist license is issued.


In order to take an exam, applicants must submit a complete pharmacist application. Applicants must take and pass the following examinations administered by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP):

  • North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX)
  • Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE)

Applicants applying by score transfer must request a NAPLEX Score Transfer from the NABP within 89 days of taking the NAPLEX. The score transfer application will expire one year from the date the department receives the score transfer application. Applicants must also take the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination for Washington and will receive an authorization to test after a passing NAPLEX score transfer is received.

Applicants applying for license transfer/reciprocity must complete the electronic license transfer (e-LTP) NABP application and take the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination for Washington. The NABP application is valid for one year from the date the application is received by the department.

State license verification

Applicants must list all states where they do or did hold credentials. This list must also include when the applicant has applied for a credential, even if a credential was not granted. The jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed must complete and submit the verification form (PDF). The jurisdiction must send the completed form directly to the department.

Personal data questions

Applicants must answer personal data questions. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint, and the settlement or final disposition. If a case is pending, applicant must indicate status.

Process for approving/denying applications

Final review of an application for approval is completed only after a credentialing specialist verifies that the application is fully complete, and that it complies with requirements in chapter 18.64 RCW. We complete background checks and make sure applicants have submitted required fees. Credentialing supervisors and lead workers have the authority to approve routine applications. The disciplining authority may conduct further review if the credentialing supervisor cannot verify the applicant meets all requirements. We will formally notify applicants of a denial. Those applicants may request a hearing to appeal the decision.

Renewal requirements

Pharmacists must renew their license every two years. Credentials will expire on the credential holder's birthday and may be renewed within 90 days of the expiration date. As of December 1, 2022, all Washington state pharmacists shall complete the equivalent of 3.0 continuing pharmacy education (CPE) 1 administered by an ACPE accredited provider prior to renewing their license pursuant to WAC 246-945-178.

Effective January 2017 all licensed pharmacists must complete a one-time suicide prevention and awareness training from the Department of Health's model list. The training must be at least three hours and include assessment of issues related to imminent harm via lethal means. Many courses are designated specific for pharmacists; however the six-hour courses are also acceptable. For more information see RCW 43.70.442, and (Effective December 1, 2021) WAC 246-945-178.

A courtesy renewal notice will be mailed to licensee's address of record. You must keep your address current. Renewals mailed to the department must be postmarked on or before the expiration date to avoid having the license expire and accrue a late penalty.

Continuing education requirements

Pharmacists must complete 30 hours or 3.0 CEUs of continuing education during each renewal cycle. All CE except for the one-time suicide prevention and awareness training and the health equity continuing education must be accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) to count toward CE requirements.

Note: Beginning Dec 1, 2022 all Pharmacy personal renewals will be renewing on the new two-year renewal cycle. Please see Continuing Education Requirements WAC 246-945-178

Expired pharmacist license WAC 246-945-173

To return to active status a pharmacist with an expired license shall pay the applicable fees in accordance with chapter 246-907 WAC and:

if the pharmacist license has been expired for less than three years the pharmacist shall meet the requirements of chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 2 and fifteen CPE hours per year the license has been expired.

(2) If the pharmacist license has been expired for three years or more, and the pharmacist holds an active credential in another U.S. jurisdiction, and is in good standing, the pharmacist shall:

(a) Meet the requirements in chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 2;

(b) Provide certification of an active pharmacist license which includes:

(i) Name and license number;

(ii) Issue and expiration date; and

(iii) Verification that the license has not been the subject of final or pending disciplinary action.

(c) Submit verification of current active pharmacy practice from another U.S. jurisdiction; and

(d) Take and pass the commission approved jurisprudence examination.

(3) If a pharmacist license has been expired for three years or more, and the pharmacist has not been in active practice in another U.S. jurisdiction, the pharmacist shall:

(a) Meet the requirements of chapter 246-12 WAC, Part 2;

(b) Serve an internship of three hundred hours in compliance with WAC 246-945-163; and

(c) Take and pass the commission approved jurisprudence and licensure examinations

Renew Online

Is your contact information current?

In order to serve you better, we must have your correct mailing address in our system. This is especially important because we mail your courtesy renewal notice and updated credential to the address on file. The U.S. Postal Service does not forward Department of Health mail. If your contact information is not current in our system, please complete and submit the contact information change form. If you have questions, feel free to contact our staff.

How to renew

By mail

In person


Health Professions Online Renewal

  • Have your information ready before you start.
  • There is a $2.50 convenience fee to renew online.
  • Make sure any name and address change you submitted have been processed.


If you have questions about the renewal process, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Pharmacy Assistant

Apply Online

Getting started

Online Application Instructions

Online application instructions are on our website.

Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.

Apply on Paper

Apply on paper

The following forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.

Fee Schedule

WAC 246-945-990: Pharmaceutical licensing fees and renewal cycle

  • Pharmacy assistant application - $70
  • Renewal (one-year renewal cycle) - $70
  • Duplicate credential - $10
  • Late renewal penalty - $50
  • Expired registration reissuance - $35
  • Verification of credential - $25

Fees submitted with applications for initial credentialing, examinations, renewal and other fees associated with the licensing and regulation of the profession are nonrefundable, per WAC 246-12-340.

Registration Requirements


Employment in a pharmacy, in a position that routinely has access to drugs and to patient-specific information.

Verification documents

Completed application signed by applicant.

State license verification

Applicants must list all states where they do or did hold credentials. This list must also include when the applicant has applied for a credential, even if a credential was not granted. The jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed must complete and submit the verification form. The jurisdiction must send the completed form directly to the department.

Personal data questions

  • Physical and mental health status
  • Lack of impairment from chemical dependency or substance abuse
  • History of loss of license, certification or registration
  • Felony convictions
  • Loss or limitations of privileges
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Professional liability claims history

Applicant must answer personal data questions. An appropriate explanation and required documentation must be sent with positive answers. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint and the settlement or final disposition. If a case is pending, applicant must indicate status.

Additional information/documents required

No formal training or educational program is required. There is no age or educational restriction. A pharmacy assistant must work under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist.

If the applicant for pharmacy assistant is applying because they are starting a pharmacy technician-in-training program the enrollment form is required to be submitted to the department before training begins.

This is not required if you will not be entering a program.

Process for approving/denying applications

We finish final review for approval after a credentialing specialist verifies that the application is fully complete, and complies with requirements in chapter 18.64A RCW and chapter 246-945 WAC. We complete background checks and make sure applicants have submitted required fees. Credentialing supervisors and lead workers have the authority to approve routine applications. The disciplining authority may conduct further review if the credentialing supervisor cannot verify the applicant meets all requirements. We will formally notify applicants of a denial. Those applicants may request a hearing to appeal the decision.

Renewal requirements

Pharmacy assistants must renew their registration every two years on or before their birthday. Continuing education is not required.

Renew Online

Is your contact information current?

In order to serve you better, we must have your correct mailing address in our system. This is especially important because we mail your courtesy renewal notice and updated credential to the address on file. The U.S. Postal Service does not forward Department of Health mail. If your contact information is not current in our system, please complete and submit the contact information change form. If you have questions, feel free to contact our staff.

How to renew

By mail

In person


Health Professions Online Renewal

  • Have your information ready before you start.
  • There is a $2.50 convenience fee to renew online.
  • Make sure any name and address change you submitted have been processed.


If you have questions about the renewal process, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Pharmacy Intern

Apply Online

Getting started

Online Application Instructions

Online application instructions are on our website.

Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.

Apply on Paper

Apply on Paper

The following PDF and Word forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.

Important Social Security Number Information

You are required by state and federal law to provide a Social Security number with your application. If you do not have a Social Security number at the time you send in this application, please read, complete, and return this form with your application.

A U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) cannot be substituted.

Mail your application with initial documentation and your check Send other documents not sent or money order payable to: with initial application to:

Department of Health Pharmacy Quality Assurance, P.O. Box 1099 Commission Credentialing Olympia, WA 98507-1099 P.O. Box 47877 Olympia, WA 98504-7877

To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127. Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email


Application Checklist - step by step instructions for processing your application

Forms to Report Internship hours (Foreign Graduates or otherwise required by law or rule)

NABP and tests

Fee Schedule

WAC 246-945-990: Pharmaceutical licensing fees and renewal cycle

  • Original credential (pharmacy intern) - $90
  • Renewal - $90
  • Late renewal penalty - $50
  • Expired credential reissuance - $45
  • Duplicate credential - $10
  • Certification of internship hours - $25
  • Verification of credential status to another state - $25

Fees submitted with applications for initial credentialing, examinations, renewal and other fees associated with the licensing and regulation of the profession are nonrefundable, per WAC 246-12-340.

Registration Requirements


Applicants for a pharmacist internship registration must be enrolled as a student of pharmacy in an accredited school or college of pharmacy. The licensing authority recognizes schools and colleges of pharmacy accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).

The licensing authority may issue an intern registration:

  • To a person to complete an internship to be eligible for initial licensure and up to 18 months after graduation; or
  • To a person to meet requirements for the reinstatement or as previously licensed pharmacist. Examples:
    • A foreign pharmacist graduate completing internship hours to qualify for Washington pharmacist licensure;
    • As conditions of a disciplinary order.

Note: all non-English documents must be translated before copies come to the department.

State License Verification

Applicants must list all states where they do or did hold credentials. This list must also include when the applicant has applied for a credential, even if a credential was not granted. The jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed must complete and submit the verification form (PDF). The jurisdiction must send the completed form directly to the department.

Personal data questions

Applicant must answer personal data questions. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint, and the settlement or final disposition. If a case is pending, applicant must indicate status.

Process for approving/denying applications

We finish final review for approval after a credentialing specialist verifies that the application is fully complete, and complies with requirements in chapter 18.64 RCW and chapter 246-945 WAC. We complete background checks and make sure applicants have submitted required fees. Credentialing supervisors and lead workers have the authority to approve routine applications. The disciplining authority may conduct further review if the credentialing supervisor cannot verify the applicant meets all requirements. We will formally notify applicants of a denial. Those applicants may request a hearing to appeal the decision.

Renew Online

Pharmacist interns must renew their registration bi-annually. The registration expires on the credential holder's birthday and may be renewed within 90 days of the expiration date. At the time of renewal, pharmacist interns must attest to currently being enrolled as a student of pharmacy in an accredited college (RCW 18.64.080); or otherwise authorized by the licensing authority for registration as an intern. A courtesy renewal notice will be mailed to licensee's address of record. You must keep your address current. Renewals mailed to the department must be postmarked on or before the expiration date to avoid having the registration expire.

Pharmacy intern registrations can only be renewed three times unless the commission grants an additional renewal per WAC 246-945-155

To request an additional renewal from the commission, a pharmacy intern must email with the following information: 

  • Name;
  • Intern registration number;
  • Intern registration expiration date;
  • Explanation of the reason for the request; and’
  • Documentation for how the intern meets all other requirements of RCW 18.64.080 and WAC 246-945-155.

The commission will make every effort to timely process these requests; however, requesting pharmacy interns should assume that these requests take up to 60 days to process.

Pharmacy Technician

Apply Online

Getting started

Online Application Instructions

Online application instructions are on our website.

Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.

Apply on Paper

The following PDF and Word forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.

Fee Schedule

WAC 246-945-990: Pharmaceutical licensing fees and renewal cycle

  • Original credential (pharmacy technician) - $140
  • Renewal - $140
  • Duplicate credential - $10
  • Late renewal penalty - $70
  • Expired credential reissuance - $70
  • Verification of credential status to another state - $25

Fees submitted with applications for initial credentialing, examinations, renewal and other fees associated with the licensing and regulation of the profession are nonrefundable, per WAC 246-12-340.

Certification Requirements

Education requirements

Graduation from, or completion of, a Pharmacy Commission-approved technician training program

  • Pharmacy law study
  • Affidavit of eight hours of pharmacy law study

Verification documents

Completed application signed by applicant and related affidavit(s) properly signed documenting satisfactory completion of a board-approved program.

Note: Training and education completed out of state must be recognized by the board as equivalent to the training received by a pharmacy technician trained in Washington.

Personal data questions

  • physical and mental health status
  • lack of impairment from chemical dependency or substance abuse
  • history of loss of license, certification or registration
  • felony convictions
  • loss or limitations of privileges
  • disciplinary actions
  • professional liability claims history

Applicant must answer personal data questions. An appropriate explanation and required documentation must be sent with positive answers. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint and the settlement or final disposition. If a case is pending, applicant must indicate status.

Additional information/documents required

  • Copy of certificate or score letter verifying passing score on National Certification Examination. Pharmacy technician certification exam scores are accepted if administrated by a program accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies.

Foreign trained pharmacy technicians of foreign medical or pharmacy school graduates for whom English is not the primary language

  • TOEFL iBT – Test of English as a Foreign Language
  • Five hundred and twenty hours of supervised experience in a commission-approved pharmacy technician training program

Process for approving/ denying applications

We finish final review for approval after a credentialing specialist verifies that the application is fully complete, and complies with requirements in chapter 18.64A RCW and Chapter 246-945 WAC. We complete background checks and make sure applicants have submitted required fees. Credentialing supervisors and lead workers have the authority to approve routine applications. The disciplining authority may conduct further review if the credentialing supervisor cannot verify the applicant meets all requirements. We will formally notify applicants of a denial. Those applicants may request a hearing to appeal the decision.

Renewal requirements

Pharmacy technicians must renew their certification every two years on or before their birthday by submitting the courtesy renewal notice and current renewal fee. Failure to receive a courtesy renewal notice does not relieve or exempt the credential renewal requirement. All pharmacy technicians shall complete 2.0 CPE hours (equal to twenty contact hours) administered by an ACPE accredited program each certification renewal period. Approved continuing education credits must be earned through a commission-approved or Accreditation Council of Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE)-accredited education program or course. Pharmacy technician shall register with a program designated by the commission for tracking completed CPE hours. CPE hours cannot be carried over to the next renewal cycle.

Expired credential renewal requirements

Any renewal that is postmarked or presented to the department after midnight on the expiration date is late, and is subject to a late renewal penalty fee. The late renewal penalty fee will be waived if:

  • The credential expires on a day the department is closed for business.
  • Payment is received at the Department of Health, Health Systems Quality Assurance main office on the next business day; and
  • Comply with continuing education requirements.

Expired for five years or less or expired for more than five years with verification of active practice

  • Complete an abbreviated application form.
  • Pay the late renewal penalty fee.
  • Pay the current renewal fee.
  • Pay the expired credential reissuance fee;
  • Provide a written declaration that no action has been taken by a state or federal jurisdiction or hospital which would prevent or restrict the practitioner's practice of the profession.
  • Provide a written declaration that he or she has not voluntarily given up any credential or privilege or has not been restricted in the practice of the profession in lieu of or to avoid formal action.
  • Provide a written declaration that continuing education or competency requirements for the two most recent years have been met, if required for the profession to maintain an active credential.
  • If not previously provided, provide proof of pass a board-approved national standardized pharmacy technician certification examination.

Expired for more than five years without verification of active practice

Complete certification requirements within one year of application to the board for certification. See WAC 246-901.

National certification examination

The Washington Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission requires all applicants to provide proof of passing a national pharmacy technician certification examination administered by a program accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Information on approved exams is on the NCCA website.

Renew Online

Is your contact information current?

In order to serve you better, we must have your correct mailing address in our system. This is especially important because we mail your courtesy renewal notice and updated credential to the address on file. The U.S. Postal Service does not forward Department of Health mail. If your contact information is not current in our system, please complete and submit the contact information change form. If you have questions, feel free to contact our staff.

How to renew

By mail

In person


Health Professions Online Renewal

  • Have your information ready before you start.
  • There is a $2.50 convenience fee to renew online.
  • Make sure any name and address change you submitted have been processed.


If you have questions about the renewal process, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Controlled Substance Researcher

Apply on Paper

The following forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.

Fee Schedule

WAC 246-945-990: Pharmaceutical licensing fees and renewal cycle

  • Original credential (Controlled substance act [CSA] researcher) - $400
  • Renewal - $400
  • Duplicate credential fee - $10 

Fees submitted with applications for initial credentialing, examinations, renewal and other fees associated with the licensing and regulation of the profession are nonrefundable, per WAC 246-12-340.

Registration Requirements

Personal data questions

Applicant must answer personal data questions. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint, and the settlement or final disposition. If a case is pending, applicant must indicate status.

Process for approving/denying applications

We finish final review for approval after a credentialing specialist verifies that the application is fully complete, and complies with requirements in chapter 69.50 RCW and chapter 246-945 WAC. We complete background checks and make sure applicants have submitted required fees. Credentialing supervisors and lead workers have the authority to approve routine applications. The disciplining authority may conduct further review if the credentialing supervisor cannot verify the applicant meets all requirements. We will formally notify applicants of a denial. Those applicants may request a hearing to appeal the decision.

Renewal requirements

Controlled substance researchers must renew their registrations annually on or before May 31. Registrations may be renewed within 90 days of the expiration date. A courtesy renewal notice will be mailed to registration location address of record. Renewals mailed to the department must be postmarked on or before the expiration date to avoid having the registration expire.


Applicants for a controlled substance researcher must list the controlled substances to be used, the purpose for such use, and the names of the people authorized to access the controlled substances. The applicant must develop policies and procedures for the storage, security, accountability, as well as recordkeeping for the acquisition and disposition of the controlled substances. All applicants are subject to a site inspection before registration.

Change of location or registrant requires a new application and initial inspection. Registration for controlled substance researcher is not transferable.

Renew Online

Is your contact information current?

In order to serve you better, we must have your correct mailing address in our system. This is especially important because we mail your courtesy renewal notice and updated credential to the address on file. The U.S. Postal Service does not forward Department of Health mail. If your contact information is not current in our system, please complete and submit the contact information change form. If you have questions, feel free to contact our staff.

How to renew

By mail

In person


Health Professions Online Renewal

  • Have your information ready before you start.
  • There is a $2.50 convenience fee to renew online.
  • Make sure any name and address change you submitted have been processed.


If you have questions about the renewal process, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Contact and Connect

If you have questions about the application process, please contact us.

If you'd like to join our interested parties list for your profession, please join GovDelivery.