Washington Tracking Network Dashboards
These Washington Tracking Network dashboards contain interactive maps, charts and graphs that allow you to explore a wide range of data for Washington State.
- Adolescent Health
Explore adolescent health data dashboards including demographics, teen pregnancy rates, and behavioral health among youth in Washington. Data are available by county and age.
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
Explore results from the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance Survey, such as chronic disease, cancer screening, injuries, mental health, access to healthcare, obesity, exercise, immunization, demographics, and tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use. Data is available by Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) and Local Health Jurisdiction (LHJ).
- Biomonitoring
Explore biomonitoring data, including organic and inorganic arsenic, metals and pesticide metabolites.
Biomonitoring data provide information on the total amount of environmental chemicals that enter the body from all possible sources by measuring environmental chemicals or their breakdown products (metabolites).
- Birth Outcomes
Explore birth data dashboards on birth counts and rates, fertility patterns and maternal and infant health characteristics. Birth statistics are available for 2003 onward at the state, county and Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) levels. Use these data to examine trends in fertility rates and to compare birth risk factors across counties.
- Community Report
The Washington Tracking Network's (WTN) Community Report tool allows you to see a variety of health measures for a given geography. Currently the Community Report is available as a downloadable table. We plan to build on this tool to also include data visualization dashboards for health outcomes, health behaviors, and access and preventive care topics.
- Death
Explore data dashboards on leading causes of death by age group, sex, and race/ethnicity. Death statistics are available for 2000 onwards at both the State, County and Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) levels. Use these data to examine trends in mortality rates and to compare disease mortality across counties.
- Demographics
Explore population counts by age, gender, race, and ethnicity. You can see these at the county, Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) and census tract levels.
You can download the data as well as compare state rates with county rates (and ACH) side by side.
- Early Hearing Detection, Diagnosis and Intervention (EHDDI)
Explore data dashboards on infant hearing screenings and support services. The screening dashboard presents data by hospital and the state. The audiology dashboard summarizes diagnostic and follow-up statistics by clinic.
- Fetal and Infant Death
Explore fetal and infant death data dashboards. The dashboards present data at County and ACH level for natural fetal deaths over 20 weeks gestation and deaths of live born infants less than one year of age. Each dashboard displays rate and counts.
- Fish Advisories
Explore state-wide fish consumption advisories for both fresh water and marine areas. Filter by body of water and see such things as fish species, contaminants and how much the Department of Health advises to eat of each fish type depending on location. See the information in tables as well as on maps.
Fish is good for you and part of a healthy diet. The key is to make smart choices. Choose fish that are low in mercury and other contaminants – “Eat fish, be smart, choose wisely.”
- Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI)
Explore dashboards for laboratory-identified and device-associated healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Hospitals report cases of C. difficile infections, MRSA bacteremia, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) and central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) to the Washington State Department of Health.
Explore information on Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) in on our dashboards for bacteria and organisms that are resistant to carbapenems. Carbapenems are class of antibiotics that are usually reserved for multidrug-resistant bacterial infections.
- Immunizations
Explore child and adolescent immunizations rates by county and Accountable Communities of Health (ACH), vaccine type and age group. Dashboards for both Public Health Measures as well as Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) are available to view. Both are a way to track vaccination completion rates.
Immunizations are a safe and effective way to keep people of all ages from getting many serious and sometimes deadly diseases.
Explore school rates.
- Lead in School Drinking Water
Explore data from state testing of water fixtures in Washington schools. Information is available at the school, district, county, and state levels.
- Marriage and Divorce
Explore marriage and divorce dashboards showing data on marriages and divorces that took place within Washington. You can view these measures at the state and county levels.
- Newborn Screening
Explore our newborn screening dashboards. The Annual Report shows annual performance data of each individual birth facility in Washington state. The Quarterly Report shows quarterly performance data of individual hospitals and health care providers in Washington, Idaho, and Hawaii.
- Opioids
Explore Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) data on controlled substances as well as fatal and non-fatal drug overdose data in our opioid dashboards. You can view these at the county and Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) levels.
Our dashboards can be used to examine opioid prescriptions and morbidity and mortality due to drug overdose to raise awareness of the opioid epidemic among Washington state residents.
- Perinatal Data
The perinatal dashboard provides key information on birthing persons and infants before, during, and after birth. The data include both physical and behavioral health measures. You can view these at the county and Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) levels.
- Pesticides
Explore the acute pesticide illness data dashboard. The data in this dashboard show pesticide illness by type of exposure, route of exposure, symptoms and severity, occupational-status, method of application, target crops, and demographics. The data are available at state and Accountable Community of Health (ACH) geographic levels.
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) collects drinking water test results for a large family of chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Some types of PFAS could harm human health when they build up to high enough levels in your body. Explore the PFAS dashboards.
- Pregnancy and Abortion
Explore pregnancy and abortion data dashboards. The dashboards present data at County and ACH level for fertility, pregnancies, live births and abortions. Each dashboard displays rate and counts and viewed together, they tell a story of fertility and reproductive health in Washington state.
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Explore data on the sexually transmitted infections (STIs) chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in Washington. These data are shown by race, sex, and year of diagnosis. The dashboards present rates and case counts at the Local Health Jurisdiction (LHJ) and regional levels.
- Social Determinants of Health
Explore economic and social conditions that influence health status, known as social determinants of health, such poverty, education, limited English, unemployed and uninsured. These are shown by age, gender, race and ethnicity. County, Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) and census tracts are available for viewing.
The factors that make up social determinants of health help explain why some people experience worse health outcomes than others.
- Ticks
Explore tick dashboards showing data based on tick submissions from the general public. You can view information about species, location, and activity in which the tick was encountered.
- Tobacco and Cannabis Use
Explore tobacco and cannabis use percentages for Washington state by county and Accountable Communities of Health (ACH) and a variety of demographic and health issues. The dashboards display data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey.
Additional Washington Tracking Network Tools
Your source for environmental and public health data.
Privacy and Protection
To protect privacy, the dashboards do not display any personally identifiable information. The source data has been aggregated and de-identified in compliance with state and federal law.
WTN is supported in part by the CDC's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (EPHTN).