Blake Supreme Court Decision


The Department of Health is aware of the Washington State Supreme Court decision in Washington v. Blake, No. 98873-0, filed February 25, 2021 (PDF) where the Court ruled that RCW 69.50.4013(1)—the portion of the simple drug possession statute crime—is unconstitutional and void.

If you have faced any adverse administrative action by the Department of Health (e.g., an application you may have filed, a Stipulation to Informal Discipline, a Final Order, etc.) and that action was based solely or in part because of a conviction under RCW 69.50.4013(1), please contact the Department of Health if you wish the Department to review the matter. Please include your credential number and case number from your disciplinary action in your communication. Because each case is unique, the Department cannot ensure that its adverse administrative action will be vacated in its entirety but the Department will review each file and work with you to explain what options may exist. You always have the right to seek legal advice by an attorney at your expense.

The Department cannot assist you with vacating your criminal conviction. For that, you will need to contact the court and/or consult a lawyer.