Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance


What Are Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. They are part of a larger group of medications known as antimicrobials for treating microorganisms or germs.

  • Antibiotics treat bacterial infections, like strep throat.
  • Antifungals treat fungal infections, like ringworm.
  • Antivirals treat viral infections, like influenza.
  • Antiparasitics treat parasitic infections, like malaria. 

Antibiotics are one of the 20th century's most important medical discoveries and have saved many lives. However, antibiotics are often taken unnecessarily or incorrectly. Some bacterial infections are deadly, like bacterial meningitis or sepsis, and treating these infections with antibiotics promptly can be lifesaving. Some bacterial infections will improve on their own without an antibiotic.

Protect Yourself and Your Family (CDC) (PDF)

When Should I Take Antibiotics?

Use antibiotics when they are necessary to treat a bacterial infection, but avoid them for infections that will likely get better without treatment. Don’t assume you will get an antibiotic for every illness. When your healthcare provider suggests an antibiotic, ask,

  • Do I really need an antibiotic?
  • Can I get better without this antibiotic?

Antibiotics can cause serious side effects and adverse events. They can disrupt the good bacteria in your stomach, and cause allergic reactions, rashes, diarrhea, and antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotics are NOT effective against infections caused by viruses, and do NOT cure:

  • Colds or the flu (influenza)
  • Most coughs and bronchitis
  • Most sore throats
  • Runny noses, even if the mucus is thick or colored

Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance means bacteria have changed to resist the killing effects of an antibiotic. In other words, some antibiotics will no longer be able to kill certain bacteria or they will be less effective at killing them.

Once bacteria become resistant they can continue to multiply causing more harm. Antibiotic-resistant infections are more difficult to treat, require more toxic and expensive treatments, cause longer hospital stays, and can spread from person to person making the problem worse.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control, each year in the United States, there are 2.8 million antibiotic resistant infections with 35,000 deaths caused by these infections.

How can I help use antibiotics wisely?