- Applications and forms
The following forms are required for completing the application process. Please download and print forms.
Pharmacy applications
Hospital Pharmacy License Application (PDF)
Nonresident Pharmacy License Application Packet (PDF)
Pharmacy Ancillary Utilization Application (PDF)
Pharmacy License Application Packet (PDF)
Other pharmacy-related forms
- Automated Drug Dispensing Device (ADDD) Location Form (PDF)
- Remote Dispensing Site for Opioid Use Disorder Medication Form (PDF)
- Change of Responsible Manager (PDF)
- Contraceptive sign – public awareness (PDF)
- Customer Satisfaction Survey (PDF)
- Death with Dignity webpage – Pharmacy Dispensing Record (PDF)
- Hospital Pharmacy – Ambulance or Aid Services Drug Supply Transfer Form (PDF)
- Medication Donation Form (PDF)
- Pharmacy Technician Education and Training Program Approval (PDF)
- Remodel Application (PDF)
- Report CS Loss – DEA Form 106 online form
- Request for Exemption from NPLEx Electronic Tracking System (PDF)
- Responsible Pharmacy Manager Attestation Form (PDF)
- Washington Prescription Monitoring Program – Dispenser Information
- Washington State Methamphetamine Precursor Electronic Tracking NPLEx Account Activation
- Hospital Pharmacy Associated Clinics (HPAC) Locations (PDF)
Pharmacy practice related guidelines
- Best Practice Guidelines for Verbal Prescriptions (PDF)
- Emergency Drug Anaphylactic Reaction Kits (PDF)
- Guidelines for Implementation of Pharmacy Technicians Training (PDF)
- Keeping Track of Your Medications (PDF)
- Medication Security in a Hospital/Position Statement (PDF)
Pharmacist collaborative drug agreement (prescribing protocol)
- Collaborative Drug Therapy Agreement for Antiviral Medications for Treatment or Prophylaxis during an Influenza Outbreak (PDF)
- ECP Collaborative Agreement Sample (PDF)
- Immunization Collaborative Agreement Sample (PDF)
- Pharmacist Collaborative Drug Agreements (PDF)
- Collaborative Drug Therapy Agreement (CDTA) Process (PDF)
- Fees
Fee Schedule
Non-Refundable Fee Type Application Renewal Penalty Pharmacy Location $540 $540 $270 Pharmacy Ancillary Staff Utilization $100 $100 Controlled Substance Dispensing Authority $150 $150 Facility Inspection $400 Duplicate credential $10 Verification of credential status to another state $25 Hospital Pharmacy Associated Clinic (HPAC)
If you have questions or need help calculating the fee schedule, see our frequently asked questions.
Category 1 HPAC tier Number of Category 1 HPACs under parent hospital pharmacy license Total fee A 1 - 10 $895 B 11 - 50 $2240 C 51 - 100 $3125 D Over 100 $4025 Category 2 Total fee HPACs under parent hospital pharmacy license $755 Additional fee Total fee Amended license processing fee $55 * * The department charges a processing fee of $55 for an amended license to change the number of HPACs.
- License Requirements
- Chapter 18.64 RCW
- Chapter 246-945 WAC
- Chapter 246-945-233 WAC Hospital pharmacy associated clinics
- Chapter 246-945-180 Nuclear pharmacist endorsement
- Chapter 246-945-410 WAC Facility Standards
A pharmacy license is location- and owner-specific. Each pharmacy must appoint a pharmacist in charge (responsible pharmacist manager) responsible to ensure that the pharmacy complies with all the rules, laws and regulations pertaining to the practice of pharmacy. A license may include the following endorsements if included by application and supplemental documentation when applicable.
- Authority to purchase, possess, and dispense controlled substances (CSA)
- Authority to use pharmacy ancillary personnel – pharmacy assistants and pharmacy technician – upon approval by the licensing authority of utilization plans.
All pharmacies are inspected before a license is issued and periodically to ensure compliance with laws and rules.
Non-resident pharmacy license - A pharmacy license of location and ownership is required by an out-of-state pharmacy that ships, mails, or delivers, in any manner, except when delivered in person to an individual, controlled substances, legend drugs, or devices into this state. A non-resident pharmacy license must include a controlled substance endorsement if it includes controlled substances prescriptions.
The non-resident pharmacy must report:
- Names, and titles of all owners including corporate officers;
- Names and credential numbers of all pharmacists employed by the pharmacy that will dispense to patients in this state;
- Name of responsible pharmacist manager;
- Toll-free phone number to facilitate communication with Washington patients;
- Proof that it maintains its records of controlled substances, legend drugs, or devices dispensed to patients in this state so thatthe records are readily retrievable from the records of other drugs dispensed; and
- Designate resident agent in Washington for service of process.
Note, pharmacists of a licensed non-resident pharmacy are not required to hold a Washington pharmacist license for the shipping, mailing and delivery of drugs or devices.Check with licensing authority regarding remote processing, telepharmacy or shared services.
State License Verification
Applicants must list all states where they do or did hold credentials. This list must also include when the applicant has applied for a credential, even if a credential was not granted. The jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed must complete and submit the verification form. The jurisdiction must send the completed form directly to the department.
Background Questions
Applicant must answer background questions related to the owners, partners, managers, etc. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability questions the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint, and the settlement or final disposition. If a case is pending, applicant must indicate status.
Additional Information/Documents Required
A pharmacy that dispenses controlled substances must report to the Prescription Monitoring Program by registering at the Secure Access Washington portal.
A pharmacy that does not dispense controlled substances to Washington State residents
must complete the No Dispensing of Controlled Substances (NDCS) registration form. The NDCS registration is at: www.wapmp.org. Look under the “WA Pharmacy/Prescriber Data Uploader” link in the menu on the left of the page and then the “No Dispensing of Controlled Substances” link. This form is required to be resubmitted with the pharmacy license renewal.
A pharmacy that sells ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and/or phenylpropanolamine over the counter must set up an account to access and report to the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx). Set up an account at https://nplex.appriss.com.
Credentialing staff members review the application and supporting documents to make an initial determination on eligibility. The recommendation is based upon the requirements outlined in Chapter 18.64 RCW, and Chapter 246-945 WAC. Credentialing supervisors approve routine applications that don't have positive answers to personal data questions, have questionable verifying documents or are otherwise “red flag” applications. "Red flag" applications are forwarded to the exception application process for determination by the appropriate disciplinary authority. An applicant will be formally notified of a denial and has the opportunity for a hearing to appeal the decision.
Renewal Requirements
Pharmacy licenses are renewed annually on or before May 31 and may be renewed within 90 days of the expiration date.
A courtesy renewal notice will be mailed to licensee's address of record. Renewals mailed to the department must be postmarked on or before the expiration date to avoid having the license expire and accrue a late penalty.
Location or Ownership Changes
A change of location to a different address requires a new application and payment of original licensing fees, including CSA.
- In-state pharmacies must reapply for differential hours and ancillary personnel, if applicable, and onsite inspection
A change in the business structure or organizational structure such as a change from sole proprietorship to a corporation or a change of more than 50 percent of ownership in a corporation requires a new application and original licensing fees, including CSA.
- In-state pharmacies must reapply for ancillary personnel, if applicable, and onsite inspection.
In-state pharmacies must file an application for location change with an establishment for remodels when the location change is within the premises identified by the current license address. An inspection fee is charged in lieu of the original license fee.
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