Behavioral Health Agencies (BHA)

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The Department of Health (DOH) licenses and regulates inpatient and outpatient Behavioral Health Agencies that may be certified to provide mental health, substance use disorder (SUD), problem gambling and gambling disorder services, or any combination of these types of services.

BHA Licensing, Certification, and Fees

BHA licensure and certification is required if an agency intends to seek Medicaid reimbursement, provide court-ordered mental health or SUD services, or as otherwise specified by state law.

* Credentialed behavioral health professionals providing general behavioral health services and billing under their professional credential are not required to be licensed as a BHA.

BHA Licensing, Certification, and Fees

BHA licensure and certification is required if an agency intends to seek Medicaid reimbursement, provide court-ordered mental health or SUD services, or as otherwise specified by state law.

* Credentialed behavioral health professionals providing general behavioral health services and billing under their professional credential are not required to be licensed as a BHA.

Behavioral Health Treatment Options for Minors

Behavioral Health Treatment Options for Minors (PDF)

EMS Guidelines Transport to Behavioral Health Facilities

The Washington State Department of Health (department), developed this guideline (PDF) to provide direction to regional emergency medical service (EMS) & trauma care councils for developing patient care procedures, local EMS councils with developing county operating procedures and EMS physician medical program directors (MPD) in developing their prehospital patient care protocols for EMS transport to behavioral health facilities.

Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)

OTPs are considered a BHA and require additional steps for licensing and accreditation. See the OTP webpage for additional information.

BHA Tribal Attestation

Tribal BHAs applying for licensure and certification may attest that its agency meets the state minimum standards. See the Applications and Forms webpage for the Tribal Attestation process and FAQ.

Inspection Process

DOH is required to inspect BHAs as part of the initial licensing process and at regular intervals. See the BHA Inspection Process webpage for more information.

Find a BHA
File a Complaint

Anyone with knowledge about an incident or event that happened in one of the agencies or facilities regulated by DOH may file a complaint.

Critical Incident and Death Reporting

See the BHA Critical Incident Reporting Requirements webpage on which incidents to report and how. BHA critical incident reporting requirements are directed by WAC 246-341-0420. Each BHA licensed by DOH must report critical incidents within forty-eight hours.

BHA Laws and Regulations
BHA and Professions Licensing Renewals
Current Topics

Contact and connect

Contact BHA staff members | Contact call center staff members | Email customer service staff members | Phone: 360-236-4700

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Subscribe to GovDelivery! Enter your email address and then select Health Systems Quality Assurance (HSQA) and Behavioral Health Care Integration, along with any other topics that are of interest to you. Subscribing to this list will help you stay informed and get important updates about behavioral health agencies, including policy updates and rule-making activities.