Licensing Information

Apply for a License

Substance Use Disorder Professional (SUDP)

Apply online

Getting started

Online Application Instructions

Online application instructions are on our website.

Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.

Apply on paper
Fee schedule

WAC 246-811-990 – Fees 

Non-Refundable Fee Type Fee Amount
Initial certification
Total: $200
Renewal $100
Late renewal penalty $100
Retired active renewal $100
Retired active late renewal penalty $60
Expired reissuance $100
Duplicate certificate $10
Verification of credential $25
Examination fee Pay exam company
Retake examination fee Pay exam company
Continuing competency

Continuing Education and Enhancement Plan FAQs

Substance Use Disorder Professional Enhancement Plan (PDF)

Substance Use Disorder Professional (SUDP) Trainee

Apply online

Getting started

Online Application Instructions

Online application instructions are on our website.

Once you have completed the process, you will find your pending credential number on Provider Credential Search. Refer to this credential number any time you contact the Department of Health or submit paperwork.

Apply on paper
Fee schedule

WAC 246-811-990 – Fees 

Non-Refundable Fee Type Fee Amount
Application $100
Renewal $90
Late renewal penalty $50
Expired reissuance $50
Duplicate certificate $15
Certification letter $15

Additional Licensing Links