Health and Safety Information for Parents and Caregivers
Below is a list of the 17 Watch Me Grow Health Promotion mailings and their contents.
Babies learn and grow through everyday things you do with them. Everything they learn, do, and feel is connected. How they learn and grow depends on both who they are and what they experience.
This section shows the many ways young kids grow and develop. It also shows what you and your baby's other caregivers can do to encourage learning and healthy development.
- Birth
You should get the Introductory Packet when your child is about five weeks old. If you do not get the packet by that time, sign up to get Watch Me Grow Health Promotion Mailings.
PDF Information Welcome to Watch Me Grow Welcome to Watch Me Grow! This is the 1st newsletter to learn more about the program and how it works. Childhood Health Record booklet (PDF) Use the Childhood Health Record booklet as a record of your child’s health history to track important health information. Lifetime Immunization Record (PDF) Washington State Department of Health's official immunization record card. Bring this card to well-child checkups and record your child's immunizations.
Vaccines: Birth through 6 Years (PDF) Learn more about vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Use the schedule inside to keep your child's vaccines on track.
Crying Can Be Frustrating! Never Shake a Baby (PDF) Prevent shaken baby syndrome and have a plan of action when your baby cries.
- 1 Month
You should get the 1 month mailing when your child is about six weeks old.
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 1 Month (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 1 month old child.
Watch Me Grow mailings are available in Spanish. If you need the mailings in Spanish instead of English, submit a correction form to have the mailings sent to you in Spanish.
Feeding Your Baby Birth to Six Months (PDF) Learn more about nutrition for your infant.
Development Chart - Watch and Help Me Grow Birth to 18 Months (PDF) Learn about your child's development from ages birth to 18 months. Learn how to encourage growth and learning.
Safe Sleep For Your Baby (PDF) Get safe sleeping tips that have been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocation.
Speak Up When You're Down - Recognizing Postpartum Depression (PDF) Learn how to recognize and deal with postpartum depression.
- 3 Months
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 3 Months (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 3 month old child
Whooping Cough is Serious (PDF) Get information about DTaP vaccine and how to protect your child from pertussis (whooping cough).
Watch and Help Me Grow 3-6 Months (PDF) Find a checklist of developmental milestones and things you can do to help your baby develop.
Treating Childhood Emergencies and Illnesses (PDF) Find useful information on how to treat childhood emergencies and illnesses plus advice to help you decide how sick your child is and if you need to call a doctor.
- 6 Months
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 6 Months (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 6 month old child.
Watch and Help Me Grow 6-12 Months (PDF) Find a checklist of developmental milestones and things you can do to help your baby develop. Feeding Your Baby 6-12 Months (PDF) Find nutrition information for feeding 6-12 month old babies.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Crying Can Be Frustrating! Never Shake a Baby (PDF) Prevent shaken baby syndrome and have a plan of action when your baby cries.
Mealtime with your little one 6-23 months (PDF) From the Washington State Dairy Council—Tips and ideas to help with mealtime and ways your child can try new foods.
- 9 Months
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 9 Months (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 9 month old child.
Taking Care of Your Child's Teeth (PDF) Get oral health care basics for kids aged 0 to 6 years.
Healthy Fish Guide (PDF) Find out which fish are low in mercury and other contaminants and high in health benefits. Healthy House Happy Home (PDF) Learn how to protect your child from toxic chemicals in homes, foods, and other products.
The First 1,000 Days (PDF) English: From the Washington State Dairy Council—See how good nutrition helps your child grow healthy and strong in their first 1,000 days. - 12 Months
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 12 Month (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 12 month old child.
Watch and Help Me Grow 12-18 Months (PDF) Find a checklist of developmental milestones and things you can do to help your baby develop. Does your child need a lead test? (PDF) Learn about common causes of lead poisoning in children and recommendations for who should be tested.
Protect Your Child From Chickenpox (PDF) Get information about the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine and its recommendations.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Parents Need Vaccines, Too! (PDF) Find out about the importance of vaccines for adults, read two personal stories about why adults need vaccines to protect themselves and their families, and review the adult vaccine schedule.
Prevent Poisonings in Children – Mr. Yuk Learn how to spot poisonous substances in your home and how to prevent poisoning.
- 15 Months
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 15 Months (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 15 month old child.
Feeding Your Child (18 Months to 3 Years) (PDF) Learn more about nutrition for your toddler and find a sample menu.
Whooping Cough is Serious (PDF) Get information about DTaP vaccine and how to protect your child from pertussis (whooping cough).
Protect Your Family and Community from Measles (PDF) Measles is very contagious and can be serious, especially for young children. Learn more on how to protect your family and community from measles.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
- 18 Months
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 18 Months (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 18 month old child.
Watch and Help Me Grow - 1 1/2 - 3 years (PDF) Learn about your child's development from ages 18 months to 3 years. Learn how to encourage growth and learning.
Think, Drink, Grow (PDF) From the Washington State Dairy Council—Feel good about what your child is drinking, learn more about how to choose healthy drinks. Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
- 2 Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 2 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your two year old child.
It’s never too early. Plan today for your child’s education. Learn how to prepare for your child’s education with information about our state’s college savings plans.
Prevent Poisonings in Children – Mr. Yuk Learn how to spot poisonous substances in your home and how to prevent poisoning. Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Baby Teeth Matter (PDF) Learn about the importance of oral health and find tips for daily oral care and getting oral health check-ups and other services.
Feeding Your Terrific Two Year Old Your child is 2! They are learning and becoming more independent, even when it comes to food. Use these tips to help you and your child enjoy eating and mealtimes together.
Water Safety for Families Know water safety! Always have adult supervision, wear a life jacket, learn to swim, and know the weather and water conditions. Seattle Children’s lists more tips for water safety to keep your family safe.
- 2½ Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 2 1/2 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 2½ year old child. Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Boost your child’s learning with Vroom’s fun, science-based tips and activities for early brain development.
- 3 Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 3 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your three year old child. Tips for Picky Eaters (PDF) WIC has tips for picky eaters! Learn tips to help you and your child find ways to try different foods.
Watch and Help Me Grow 3-5 Years (PDF) Learn about your child's development from ages three to five years. Learn how to encourage growth and learning.
Firearms in the Home (PDF) Learn about the importance of safely storing firearms starting in early childhood to prevent firearm-related injury and death.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Does your child need a lead test? (PDF) Learn about common causes of lead poisoning in children and recommendations for who should be tested. - 3½ Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 3 1/2 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 3½ year old child. Booster Seats (PDF) Find information on booster seats, including how to know if your child needs one, how to install them, and the different types available.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
- 4 Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 4 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your four year old child. Protect Your Child from Chickenpox (PDF) Get information about the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine and its recommendations.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
It’s never too early. Plan today for your child’s education. Learn how to prepare for your child’s education with information about our state's college savings plans.
- 4½ Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 4 1/2 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 4½ year old child. Whooping Cough is Serious (PDF) Get information about DTaP vaccine and how to protect your child from pertussis (whooping cough).
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Learn how to access your and your family's vaccine records online for free by signing up for MyIR.
School Age
- 5 Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 5 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 5 year old child. Bike & Multi-Sport Helmets: Quick-Fit Check (PDF) A helmet will only protect when it fits well. Seattle Children's shares a 3-point check list to use to check your child’s helmet fit. Help your child get into the habit of wearing a helmet.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
- 5½ Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 5 1/2 Years (PDF) Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 5½ year old child. Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Learn about sealants, how they work, when your child should get them, and where to learn more.
Nutrients Help Me Grow (PDF) From the Washington State Dairy Council—Learn about nutrients and how they support your child’s growth. - 6 Years
PDF Information Watch Me Grow - 6 Years Get updated vaccine, health, and safety information for your 6 year old child. Washington College Savings Plans (PDF) Learn how to prepare for your child’s education with information about our state's college savings plans.
Protect your Family
from the Respiratory
Illness Monsters! (PDF)Protect you and your family from the Respiratory Illness Monsters! Learn about common respiratory viruses (RSV, FLU, and COVID 19) and the vaccines that can help protect us from severe illness.
Questions or Concerns?
Sometimes kids have developmental delays that can improve with extra support. If you have questions or concerns about your child's development, talk with your doctor or nurse. Or call the Help Me Grow WA Hotline at 1-800-322-2588 or 711 (TTY Relay) for the name of a Family Resources Coordinator (FRC). An FRC can help arrange a free developmental screening and further services, if needed.