The RCW and WAC that directly relate to colon hydrotherapists:
Revised Code of Washington:
Washington Administrative Code:
- Colon hydrotherapist: Chapter 246-836A WAC
- Naturopathic physician: Chapter 246-836 WAC
Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
A statute or Revised Code of Washington (RCW) is written by the Washington State Legislature. Once legislation is signed by the governor, it becomes law.
The website for RCWs is a searchable database online. You may also access the state government website. If you're interested in obtaining a copy of any RCW, contact your local public library.
Other relevant RCWs are:
Chapter 19.68 RCW - Rebating By Practitioners of Healing Professions
Chapter 18.130 RCW - Regulation of Health Professions – Uniform Disciplinary Act
RCW 26.44.030 - Abuse of Children and Adult Dependent Persons
Chapter 34.05 RCW - Administrative Procedures Act
Chapter 42.56 RCW - Public Records Act
Chapter 70.02 RCW - Medical Records-Health Care Information Access and Disclosure
Chapter 74.34 RCW - Abuse of Vulnerable Adults
Chapter 71.05 RCW - Mental Illness
Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
A rule or Washington Administrative Code (WAC) is written to provide interpretive support for the individuals or entities to whom the rule applies. Department of Health rules are written and adopted by a board or commission, or the secretary of the Department of Health. Rules or WACs carry the full force of the law.
WACs are available on the state government website.
The WACs that relate to:
WAC 246-12 - Administrative Procedures and Requirements for Credentialed Health Care Providers
WAC 246-15 - Whistleblower Complaints in Health Care Settings
WAC 246-16 - Standards of professional conduct