Colon Hydrotherapy

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Received a Renewal Notice? Need to renew and don't know how? Renew your license.

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Already Applied? Check for processing dates for applications with cleared payment on our application status webpage.

File a complaint about a health care provider or facility on our complaint process webpage.

Check on your credential using our provider credential search tool.

Related links

More resources for health professionals | Healthcare Professional’s Demographic Data Survey

Current topics

Information for providers whose credentials have been affected by a drug conviction

Applications may now be submitted

The Board of Naturopathy held a rule adoption hearing that adopted rule to implement Senate Bill 5124 creating the colon hydrotherapist profession. The adopted rules, WSR 22-11-017, may be viewed online.

The colon hydrotherapy application (PDF) is available for download and the system is ready to begin issuing credentials for completed applications on July 1, 2022.