Fluoride for Water Systems

This page is a resource for public water systems who fluoridate or plan to fluoridate.

Requirements for Water Fluoridation

  • The State Board of Health updated and adopted WAC 246-290-460, fluoridation of drinking water on May 9, 2016. The major changes to the rule include:
    • Purveyors will notify the Department of Health (department) before permanently discontinuing fluoridation.
    • Optimization level is 0.7mg/L.
    • New terminology:
      • Operating Tolerance—Daily sampling results must fall between 0.5–0.9 mg/L.
      • Off Measure—The drinking water certified laboratory results differ by more than 0.2 mg/L from the purveyor's analytical results.
    • Starting July 2016, purveyors must use the required department's Monthly Operating Reports listed below.
  • Reports and forms—The required monthly operating reports (MOR), generated in an unprotected Excel format, can easily open the forms and customize them for your use.

Contact Information

Andy Schut, Water Quality Assessment Specialist/Lab Liaison, at 360-236-3197