The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.
Current rules in progress
Reducing Licensure Barriers
The Board of Physical Therapy is updating its rules to make it easier for physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs) to get licensed in Washington. These changes align with a new state law (2SHB 1724 (PDF) and include expanding the endorsement process for out-of-state applicants and streamlining the application process for those educated in other countries.
At its February 24, 2025, meeting, the Board will continue the public hearing that began on December 9, 2024. The Board will accept public comments and review proposed rule changes designed to simplify licensure for PTs and PTAs from other states. Key changes include:
- Removing unnecessary language.
- Creating an expedited licensure pathway for PTs and PTAs who have been licensed in another state for more than two years.
- Removing the jurisprudence exam requirement and instead offering it as a free continuing education (CE) credit.
- Establishing a new pathway for those licensed in another state for less than two years.
- Clarifying rules for foreign-educated applicants.
The Department of Health filed the proposed rule change (CR-102) on January 2, 2025, as WSR 25-03-003 (PDF). A public hearing will be held on February 24, 2025, at 10 a.m. at the Department of Health building in Tumwater, WA (Town Center 2, Room 153, 111 Israel Rd SE). The hearing will be hybrid, allowing participants to attend in person or online.
You may have trouble accessing the hearing through the link provided in the CR-102.
Alternatively, you may join on the web by entering the following details:
Meeting ID: 265 225 377 723
Passcode: 8Wsupq
Written comments can be submitted to Allyson McIver via email and must be received by February 17, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
Rules We’ve Completed
Physical Therapy Licensure Compact – Rule Update to Align with Latest PTLC Changes
The Board of Physical Therapy has updated WAC 246-915A-010 to reflect the latest changes to the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact (PTLC) (PDF), which took effect on June 17, 2024. This update ensures Washington remains in compliance with RCW 18.74.500 Article IX(2).
The PTLC changes clarify when a home state license and compact privilege expire. They also extend the deadline for compact privilege holders to report a change of home state from 30 days to 60 days.
The final rule (CR-103P) was filed on January 17, 2025, as WSR 25-03-095 (PDF).
Intramuscular Needling Endorsement Update
The Board of Physical Therapy and the Department of Health have completed rulemaking to establish the intramuscular needling endorsement. These changes, effective June 22, 2024, clarify the application process, education and training requirements, and establish a fee for the endorsement. The application to apply for the intramuscular needling endorsement will be posted to our website starting July 1, 2024. WSR 24-11-160 (PDF).
Health Equity Continuing Education Rules
The Board of Physical Therapy has updated the rules about continuing education. We’ve added two hours of health equity education every two-year cycle to the existing requirements. These changes are based on a new law, SB 5229 (PDF). Learn more about the new health equity training and find free courses on our website. WSR 23-21-075 (PDF)
Contact Us
We value your feedback and questions. If you have any comments or concerns about the rules we’re working on, send us an email (