The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.
To receive information about rule making and other topics related to substance use disorder professionals, subscribe for updates at the bottom of the page.
Current rules in progress
The Department of Health (department) is adopting final rule language for chapter 246-811 WAC for Substance Use Disorder Professionals. The final language is available in the CR-103 document posted below, and a summary of comments received during the public comment period are summarized and answered in the Concise Explanatory Statement.
The department would like to thank all the SUDPs, educators, supervisors, clinical directors, trainees, members of the public, and all interested parties who contributed to the final rule language through their participation in workshops and advocacy for the substance use disorder profession.
These rules will go into effect on May 30, 2025. In advance of this date, the department will publish updated Frequently Asked Questions addressing rule changes, update paper applications, and schedule SUDP Office Hours for individuals to ask questions directly to department staff. Please monitor this web space for new updates.
There are two changes to the adopted rule language based on feedback received during the public comment period:
- WAC 246-811-049(2) was amended to clarify that “one year” of experience is equal to 2000 hours of experience; and
- The amount of training required in clinical supervision was increased in WAC 246-811-049(3) from eight hours to 28 hours, the original length of the training in previous rule. Given the shortened experience requirement for approved SUDP supervisors, increasing the length of training at the suggestion of SUDP advocates both reflects the need for improved supervision and improved patient safety.
If you have questions, contact the program manager.
Emergency rules have been filed
Until the permanent rules filed in WSR 25-07-024 go into effect on May 30, 2025, Emergency Rules will remain in effect for sections of chapter 246-811 WAC. These rules were filed in a third set of emergency rules found under WSR 25-04-055 (PDF) to amend the following Substance Use Disorder Professionals and Substance Use Disorder Professionals Trainees rules in WACs 246-811-010, 246-811-025, 246-811-030, 246-811-035, 246-811-045, 246-811-046, 246-811-048, 246-811-049, 246-811-060, 246-811-070, 246-811-220, 246-811-240, 246-811-260, 246-811-990, and creating WAC 246-811-310.
These emergency rules streamline the credentialing process by: (1) allowing certain educational programs to meet the coursework requirements of WAC 246-811-030 without further department review; (2) removing the limit on trainee credential renewals; (3) removing the requirement for trainees to work in behavioral health agencies; (4) removing the seven-year cap on earned trainee experience; (5) lowering the experience requirements for approved supervisors; (6) removing the requirement that supervisors be on site with trainees after the first 50 hours of supervised experience; (7) reducing the minimum continuing education requirements for SUDPs; (8) implementing out of state substantial equivalency applicant criteria to align with RCW 18.130.077; and (9) temporarily reducing certification and renewal fees to $100 per year.
These emergency rules will be continued while permanent rulemaking is in progress under WSR 24-10-011 (PDF), filed April 18, 2024. Information about the permanent rulemaking process is above.
See the Emergency Rules WAC Chapter (PDF) for full details of immediate changes.