2021 E. Coli Outbreak Linked to Pasteurized Yogurt

Foodborne illness webpage l Link to ALL outbreaks

This page will be updated on Mondays, if needed.
Last updated: 06/23/2021


On May 12, 2021, The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) announced a multi-county outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 that began as a Public Health-Seattle & King County investigation involving several children with E. coli. The outbreak is linked to Pure Eire Dairy yogurt also sold as PCC Community Market brand yogurt.

DOH is reporting confirmed cases infected with bacteria that have been genetically linked. Local health jurisdictions may report higher numbers for their counties that include cases still under investigation and may provide additional detail on their cases.

Washington State Case Information

Case Information
Statewide Total Cases

Confirmed cases - updated 6/23/21


Hospitalized - updated 6/17/21 10

Developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)




Cases by County of Residence
County Total Cases



Clark 1





Walla Walla


Yavapai (AZ) - updated 6/23/21


Advice to Consumers

  • If you have PCC Community Market brand yogurt or Pure Eire yogurt at home, do not eat it and throw it away.
  • E. coli infections can cause serious complications. Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps and blood in the stool.
  • If you notice symptoms, especially bloody diarrhea, contact your health care provider right away.


Update 6/23/21: One new case from Arizona has been identified who was infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7. This brings the total number of outbreak-associated cases to 17. All three of the Arizona cases are considered secondary infections.

Update 6/17/21: One new child case has been identified who was infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 and was hospitalized for their illness. This brings the total number of outbreak-associated cases to 16.

The two Arizona cases infected by the outbreak strain of E. coli O157 did not consume PCC or Pure Eire brand yogurt.

  • The first Arizona case is considered a secondary infection. This person was infected after having close contact with a Washington state resident who regularly ate Pure Eire yogurt and developed diarrhea (but was not tested) shortly before traveling to Arizona.
  • The newest Arizona case added on 6/17/2021 is also considered a secondary infection.

Public Health Information

DOH works closely with local health jurisdictions to collect data from interviews of sick individuals to help identify common exposures between, the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) and other partner agencies on this type of outbreak investigation.

DOH’s role includes:

  • Coordinating with local health and Washington State Public Health Laboratories to identify cases related to the outbreak using genetic testing of the bacteria
  • Collecting data from in-depth interviews conducted by local health jurisdictions with patients about the food they’ve eaten
  • Identifying foods in common between cases and working with partner agencies to trace back foods that may have caused the illness
  • Working with partners to notify food manufacturers and retailers whose products may be linked to the outbreak
  • Supporting partners working to test product samples for presence of bacteria

The investigation process can be long and complex. Only those who are severely ill tend to visit a healthcare provider and get tested, and each step of the process takes time.

Sometimes people don’t get sick until several days after they eat food containing E. coli bacteria. It can take a lot of time and effort to test samples from people who are ill, interview them for a detailed history of foods they’ve eaten and look for commonalities between cases.

Linked Product Information

On May 15, DOH announced a link to PCC Community Market brand yogurt produced by Pure Eire Dairy. Pure Eire Dairy issued a voluntary recall of affected products and PCC removed the products from shelves. Anyone who has PCC Community Market or Pure Eire brand yogurt at home should not eat it and should throw it away.

The investigation is ongoing, and we may identify additional links to products as we continue to gather information from new cases. DOH will provide updates as the investigation progresses.

Learn more about food safety precautions to help prevent foodborne illness.