HIV Statistics and Research

Through case reporting and other studies, the Department of Health continually collects information about the state's HIV epidemic. This information is used to help develop effective strategies for the prevention and treatment of HIV.

The Washington State HIV Surveillance Report (PDF) contains the most up-to-date, comprehensive data about people diagnosed with HIV in Washington. However, the Department also publishes other data products which offer more in-depth information.

For example, HIV Fact Sheets discuss the impact HIV has had on specific populations, and provide details about who is at risk for the disease.

Also, the HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Report, which is published in collaboration with Public Health-Seattle & King County, describes supplemental surveillance projects, needs assessments, and other local research projects focusing on HIV.

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Fact Sheets

These fact sheets provide information on the HIV/AIDS epidemic across different populations in Washington State. The topics addressed include sexual practices or sharing needles, which are primary means for spreading HIV infection.

Please exit this portion of the website if you find this subject matter offensive or if you are not seeking such information. These messages may not be appropriate for all audiences.

HIV Among Washington State's Black Community (PDF) VIH entre la comunidad de raza negra en el edo. de Washington (PDF)

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HIV Reporting


The purpose of disease reporting and surveillance is to:

Collect information about people who are diagnosed with a reportable infection in order to understand how to create programs that will prevent disease. Assure that people who are diagnosed with a reportable infection are referred to medical care. Identify people who are diagnosed with a reportable infection and try to stop the spread of infection.

Case Report forms are available on the health department's disease reporting webpage. Locate resources in your county by visiting your local health department website, links can be found in the local health department directory.

Seattle & King County Adult HIV/AIDS Case Report

State Laws

Go to the Washington State Legislature Chapter 246-101 WAC Notifiable Conditions for a list of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) sections.

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State laws protect the identity of persons reported with HIV or AIDS. Anyone who breaks these laws may get in legal trouble and have to pay large fines. Case reports are kept in locked rooms and workers must have special training and permission to get into the rooms.


The following people must report information to authorities:

Health care providers: AIDS and HIV cases to local health jurisdictions within 3 working days Hospitals and other health care facilities: AIDS and HIV cases to local health jurisdictions within 3 working days Laboratories:

  • For HIV, positive Western blot assays, p24 antigen or viral culture tests are notifiable within 2 workdays to Public Health-Seattle & King County (PHSKC) for labs in King County and the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) for labs outside of King County. All results, whether they are positive or not detectable, on HIV nucleic acid tests (RNA or DNA) are notifiable on a monthly basis

  • All CD4+ absolute counts and percentages on a monthly basis

Local health jurisdictions: tell WA DOH within 7 calendar days of case investigation completion or summary information required within 21 calendar days of finding out about a new case.

Surveillance Projects

HIV Case Surveillance

HIV Case Surveillance is the primary HIV surveillance activity in Washington State. This activity involves collecting information from and about people living with diagnosed HIV infection (PLWDH). This information is collected regardless of time since infection, stage of illness, or a prior surveillance report from another state.

The Washington State Department of Health works closely with local health jurisdictions to obtain demographic, behavioral, laboratory, clinical, as well as other service and referral information. This information is used to characterize PLWDH, including health and well-being, identify risk factors, calculate HIV diagnosis rates, monitor state and local HIV trends, and develop HIV-related estimates. HIV case surveillance informs HIV prevention and care efforts by indicating which populations are most at risk, where HIV prevention and care resources are most needed, and which strategies are most effective.

Molecular HIV Surveillance

Molecular HIV Surveillance (MHS) is an expanded surveillance activity funded by the CDC in 27 areas across the country, including Washington. MHS allows staff to monitor the amount of HIV in the population that is resistant to HIV medications and the types of virus in the population.

MHS uses genetic sequence data to describe the drug resistance patterns and types of HIV virus. Genetic sequence data are produced when providers order drug resistance testing at the time of HIV diagnosis or HIV treatment failure. This testing is important in prescribing appropriate HIV medications. HIV assessment staff can then use the sequence data to estimate what percentage of the population has resistant HIV as well as HIV of different strains/types. Additionally, it can be used to describe transmission patterns.

HIV Incidence Surveillance

HIV Incidence Surveillance (HIS) is an expanded HIV surveillance activity funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 25 areas across the country, including Washington. While HIV case reporting allows staff to measure the number of people newly diagnosed with HIV, it does not provide information about people who are newly infected. The purpose of HIS is to provide national and local estimates of the number of new HIV infections per year.

In order to produce these estimates, staff collect additional information on the case report. This includes information on testing history, for example when was the last negative HIV test or did the individual have a previous positive HIV test. It also includes previous HIV medication use, including if the individual has ever taken HIV medications, which medications, and why the medications were taken. Finally, additional laboratory testing is completed to try to determine if the individual has been infected with HIV recently.

Medical Monitoring Project

The Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) is a supplemental surveillance activity funded by the CDC in 23 areas across the country, including Washington. It is supported by several governmental agencies and conducted by state and local health departments.

The project is designed to learn more about the experiences and needs of people who are living with HIV. It provides information on numbers of individuals who are receiving medical care for HIV, health related behaviors, access to medical care and support services, met and unmet needs of people living with HIV, and how treatment is affecting people living with HIV. Beginning in 2015, MMP was expanded to include people living with HIV who are not receiving medical care.

Each year a random sample of people living with HIV is drawn. Health department staff contact sampled individuals and invite them to complete a 60 minute interview that includes questions concerning their medical history, use of medical and social services, and health behaviors. Next, health department staff collect information from the patient's medical chart. These data are combined to describe the characteristics of people living with HIV in Washington.

Participants are compensated for their time and all health information is kept secure and confidential and is protected by federal law.

For more information about these surveillance projects, please contact us.

Surveillance Reports

HIV Assessment staff work with local health departments, health care providers, and laboratories to collect HIV case report information. This information is currently presented in annual surveillance reports. These reports provide information about people infected with HIV and help to guide program planning and distribution of resources.

For information on past years surveillance reports, please contact us.