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ODW Now March 2025

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Spring has Sprung! Time for Seasonal Activities!

With the arrival of spring, water systems that serve camps, summer lodges, and other noncommunity connections, which were shut down for the winter, will need to prepare for reopening.
Operators of seasonal water systems—systems that turn off water and completely depressurize the water lines at the end of each operating season—should begin their start-up procedures at least one month before they plan to serve water to customers. 

Use this time to evaluate the condition of the water system, make repairs, disinfect, and ensure the water system is free of coliform bacteria by collecting an investigative coliform bacteria sample. 

To comply with the requirements, each of these water systems must:

  • Follow a state-approved start-up procedure. The items listed on the certification form are satisfactory as the system’s start-up procedure. The start-up procedure must be completed prior to the system opening for the season.
  • Send us a signed and dated start-up procedure certification form, declaring that the procedure was followed upon start-up and prior to serving water to the public. 

Provide the certification form to your nearest regional office. 

For more information see Start-Up Procedures for Non-Community Water Systems 331-310 (PDF)

Consumer Confidence Rule Changes in 2027

On June 24, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) final Consumer Confidence Rule (rule) became effective. EPA revised the rule after reviewing comments from the public, water systems, and state agencies, including ODW. The revised rule makes the annual drinking water report more understandable and more accessible to water systems’ customers. The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) distributed to consumers provides a valuable source of information about their water quality and contaminants found in their drinking water. The CCR also provides an excellent opportunity for water systems to showcase any positive changes they’ve made.

We will implement changes in our CCR program starting January 1, 2027. The first CCRs subject to the new rule will be distributed on or before July 1, 2027. 

Summary of Key Changes

  • Inclusion of a summary section. All CCRs are required to prominently display, at the beginning of the report, a summary section that includes an overview of violations and compliance information, information needed to request a paper copy of the CCR, and how to obtain language assistance or translation of the CCR.
  • Biannual CCR distribution requirements for larger systems. Water systems serving 10,000 or more people will need to produce and distribute CCRs twice a year with July 1 and December 31 due dates. The July 1 CCR must contain information and data collected during the previous calendar year. The December 31 CCR must contain a six-month update based on the data/information collected between January 1 and June 30 of the current calendar year if the system received a violation or experienced an Action Level Exceedance. Systems are also required to include UCMR results collected during the first half of the year. Systems without violations, ALE(s), or UCMR reportable results may simply resend their previous CCR. 
  • Increased internet access to CCRs. Systems serving 50,000 or more people are required to post CCRs on a publicly available website.
  • Insuring accessibility of CCRs for people with limited English proficiency. This includes a requirement that CCRs provide information on where consumers can obtain either a translated copy of the report or assistance in other languages.
  • Compressed timeline for certifying CCR delivery. We will require you to complete and deliver to us signed CCR Certification Forms within ten days of the deadlines: July 1 for all systems, and December 1 for larger systems (greater or equal to 10,000 customers) that are required to submit biannual CCRs. We strongly recommend that you send your Certification Forms along with your CCRs.

Most of the changes in the CCR revision are subtle and reflect practices that many of you are already following. These rule changes primarily formalize the best practices that systems have already adopted into requirements. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the new CCR requirements ahead of the 2027 implementation date.

You can find more detailed information regarding the rule revisions on EPA’s Consumer Confidence Reports Rule Revisions webpage

Drinking Water Advisory Group (DWAG): Next Meeting June 2

We hold all our meetings through Microsoft Teams video, so you can join our meeting with your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone from wherever you are. You can find the Teams links and meeting agenda on our DWAG Meeting webpage. After the meeting we post any handouts or presentations and, within a month, we post the meeting notes.

Do you want to receive advance notice of meetings and their agendas? Join our advisory group email list. Do you have questions about the advisory group or topics you’d like to discuss? Email Brad Burnham with your ideas.

We Want to Hear from You

In 2024, the Department of Health adopted a rule change to WAC 246-290-100, Water system plan that includes the new climate resilience element. The rulemaking was in response to ES2HB 1181 (2023), which added the requirement to state statute (RCW 43.20.310). The new requirements impact only those Group A community public water systems serving 1,000 or more connections. These water systems will need to include the new climate resilience element in plans initiated after June 30, 2025. Read more on our rule requirements webpage

Since the adoption of the rule, we drafted changes to the Water System Planning Guidebook to align with the requirements. 

Please review the draft changes and provide feedback to us via email at odwpubliccomment@doh.wa.gov by Friday, April 11, 2025. 

Please note that ES2HB 1181 (2023) created multiple new requirements and that this article is about the requirements that are specific to water systems plans. For information about some of the other requirements, such as those related to local comprehensive plans, please review Commerce’s Climate Planning webpage.

If you would like more information about Water System Planning, visit our Water System Planning Requirements webpage

New and Revised/Updated Publications and Forms

Listed below are new and updated publications and forms from January 1 through February 28, 2025. We send out this news approximately every other month. Linked publications are usually in PDF or Word format.

New Publications and Forms

There were no new publications during this time period.

Revised/Updated Publications and Forms

Construction Completion Report 331-121-F. The Construction Completion Report Form is required for all approved construction projects. Water Systems must submit this form to us within 60 days of completion and before use of any water system facility. This includes any source, water quality treatment, storage tanks, booster pump facilities, and distribution projects.

Group B Construction Completion Report Form 331-121-F-B. Form required for all new or expanding Group B projects. This form must be submitted within 60 days of completion and before use of any water system facility.

Preparing a Coliform Monitoring Plan: For Wholesale or Consecutive Systems 331-475. Two-page fact sheet. Explains exceptions to triggered source monitoring for wholesale or consecutive water systems. 

Filter Backwash 331-624. This two-page factsheet provides tips for surface water sources with rapid rate filtration.

Reminder to Surface Water Systems: Adjust Operations for Cold Weather 331-649. If you operate a surface water source throughout the year, you need to make seasonal adjustments to your treatment processes when temperatures drop. Some of these are covered in this publication.

Calculating Chemical Dose Poster: Liquid Alum Fed Neat (Undiluted) From Calibration Cylinder Drawdown 331-650. Calculation poster for liquid alum feed calibration cylinder drawdown with space for calculations for surface water treatment.

Accredited Labs that Test Public Drinking Water Samples for PFAS 331-700. List of labs accredited by the Washington State Department of Ecology and use EPA methods 533 and 537. Also available in Marshallese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

Emerging Contaminants in Small and Disadvantaged Communities (EC-SDC) Grant Program 331-769. The EC-SDC grant provides eligible PWS with funds to address the challenges of PFAS and other emerging unregulated contaminants. 

Note: We review all DOH-ODW publications annually in compliance with RCW 40.07 to ensure that they are up-to-date and relevant. Not all reviewed publications need revision and are not listed here.

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These and other publications are available on our Publications and Forms webpage

World Water Day March 22

Since 1993, World Water Day has been an annual United Nations Observance highlighting the importance of freshwater. World Water Day was created to inspire global awareness and action on water-related challenges. This year’s theme, Glacier Preservation, highlights the need to sustainably manage meltwater and reduce emissions to secure vital water resources for future generations.

You can learn more at the World Water Day | United Nations website.

Glaciers are Critical to Life 

Our state’s drinking water comes from three sources: groundwater (wells and springs), surface water (lakes and rivers) and snowpack/snowmelt (supply for rivers, lakes and aquifers). Washington state has more glaciers than any other state in the lower 48. Our glaciers are receding faster than ever before, threatening essential water supplies. Washington’s glacial meltwater is essential for drinking water, agriculture, industry, clean energy production, and healthy ecosystems. The snowpack is critical for recharging our rivers and aquifers through the spring and summer. Historically, snowmelt left the mountains in late June; now it occurs as early as the end of May. All of the glaciers that make the western mountains famous are retreating—another sign of shifting temperatures.

Rapidly melting glaciers cause uncertain water flows, with profound impacts on people. According to the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, Washington is projected to experience decreases in snowpack, increases in stream temperatures, and widespread changes in streamflow timing, flooding, and summer minimum flows. 

While our state has more water than many of our neighbors we also have competing demands among fish, forests, farms, and people. These conflicts will grow as changes in temperature and weather patterns affect seasonal availability of our water supplies. Disruptions to the natural storage and recharge of water in rivers, lakes, and aquifers put our drinking water supply—and the health of our communities—at risk.

This World Water Day, we must work together to put glacier preservation at the core of our plans to tackle climate change and the global water crisis.

You Can Help!

While large-scale solutions are needed, individual actions matter too. Here’s how you can make a difference with simple water conservation habits at home.

  • Don’t let it run. Shut off the water when you brush your teeth or while shaving, and don’t let it run while waiting for it to get cold. Keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge instead.
  • Fix the drip. Fix the drip. Check all faucets, fixtures, toilets, and taps for leaks, and repair them immediately or upgrade to water-conserving models.
  • Wash smarter. Limit yourself to just a five-minute shower. Challenge your family members to do the same! Also, make sure to only run full loads in the dish and clothes washers.
  • Water wisely. Water the lawn and plants during the coolest parts of the day and only when they truly need it. Follow local watering restrictions during dry periods and encourage your family and neighbors to do the same.
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reduce the amount of “stuff” you use. Reuse what you can. Recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, aluminum, and other materials.
  • Natural alternatives. Use all natural/nontoxic household cleaners whenever possible. Materials such as lemon juice, baking soda, and vinegar make great cleaning products, are inexpensive, and environmentally friendly.

Together we can make a difference to ensure sustainable water resources for our future generations. 

Zoom Online Webinar: Learn About EPA’s Free Cybersecurity Assessments for Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems

March 26, 2025, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time Zoom Meeting Registration Link

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a webinar to highlight the free cybersecurity assessments EPA provides to water and wastewater systems to identify cybersecurity vulnerabilities and develop a plan to strengthen their cyber defenses. Topics include an overview of the cybersecurity evaluation program, tips on how utilities can prepare for an assessment, benefits of conducting a cybersecurity assessment, and testimonials from utilities that have received a cybersecurity assessment from EPA to provide insight on how the assessment has helped improve their cyber resilience. Register HERE for this webinar.  

Coming Soon in 2025! Updated Standardized Waterworks Certification Exams!

Every five years, our testing administrators update the databanks for the water and wastewater operator certification exams. This process begins with a job analysis survey sent to certified operators across all classification levels. The survey gathers information about the job duties performed at each classification and certification level.

In an unprecedented show of support, more than 20,000 certified operators from all U.S. states and territories, as well as Canadian provinces and territories, submitted completed surveys. The data collected from these surveys is analyzed by psychometricians to ensure the exams accurately reflect industry standards.

Next, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)—certified operators actively working in the industry—are convened to review and refine exam questions for each certification level. Their expertise helps maintain the relevance and fairness of the exam content.

To align with the 2025 standardized exams, updated Need-to-Know (NTK) criteria and formula conversion tables have been developed. These resources will be available on the Water Professionals International website once the new exams are officially released. The projected Washington state launch date is June 2025. 

Lead Service Line Inventory Frequently Asked Questions

When should I revise my Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI)? 

You should continuously update your LSLI and keep them up-to-date and readily accessible. Confirm and update service line materials in the course of normal operations, whenever service line-related repairs or replacements are made. Add any new information that becomes available that improves the accuracy of your inventory.

When should I submit my revised LSLI?

If you received a violation warning letter requesting revisions to your LSLI, please following the instructions in the letter to submit your revised inventory. Otherwise, you are not required to submit annually revised inventories until 2027.

Will there be additional LSLI requirements in the future? 

Yes. Under the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), published in October 2024, you are required to expand your LSLI to include connector materials. Additionally, beginning in 2027, all systems that have not yet determined that their system is fully non-lead must submit a revised LSLI annually that demonstrates successful replacement of lead service lines and galvanized service lines requiring replacement. Systems must also classify service lines that were previously inventoried as unknown. You can read about the finalized LCRI on the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper: Improvements webpage.

I haven’t submitted a completed LSLI yet, what should I expect? 

The due date for LSLI submissions was October 16, 2024; however, this is a standing requirement for all Group A NTNC and Community water systems. Systems that have not yet submitted a completed LSLI will receive a violation warning letter from DOH and will be reported to the EPA for LSLI Treatment Technique Violations. The EPA is the primacy agency for LCRR violations and will conduct formal enforcement actions.

Please complete your initial LSLI as soon as possible to avoid potential enforcement actions. LSLI submission is a two-step process—please visit our online LSLI form to start your submission.

I need support completing my LSLI, where can I request assistance? 

We provide no-cost technical assistance to develop your LSLI. Please visit our technical assistance request portal and submit an application for support. 

What’s the Difference between “maintenance” and an “improvement”? Why does it matter?

For the following types of projects, we do not require water systems to submit project reports or construction documents to us for review and approval (WAC 246-290-125(1)). 

  1. Installing hydrants, valves, fittings, meters, and backflow prevention assemblies. 
  2. Repairing a water system component or replacing it with a component of similar capacity and materials described in the original approved design. For the purposes of replacing distribution mains, similar capacity includes up to one standard pipe size larger.
  3. Maintaining or painting surfaces not contacting potable water. 

Maintenance is not defined in WAC 246-290 and in some situations, it is unclear to water systems whether a planned improvement is maintenance or not. It is important to understand the difference to ensure your water system obtains the required approvals.

As a guideline, we recommend asking these questions to determine whether an improvement is more than just maintenance.

  1. Is there anything being replaced or added that changes how the system is controlled?  
    • For example, replacing a pump that was controlled by pressure switches to one that is controlled by a variable frequency drive changes how the source will function.
  2. Is the replacement the same in both quality and function as the original approved design?
    • For example, replacing filter media with a different type can significantly change the effectiveness and safety of a filtration treatment system, so this type of change must be approved. Changing a chemical used in the treatment process must also be approved.
  3. Is anything being replaced or added that will change the capacity of the facility? 
    • For example, installing a larger pump in a groundwater well or reducing the pumping capacity at a booster station.

Quality control in the design and construction of public health infrastructure is critical for protecting public health. There are many industry standards overseeing the design of new water system facilities such as storage tanks, booster stations, groundwater wells, treatment, and distribution mains. Our role is to provide oversight through project reviews to avoid problems and health impacts.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the regional engineering staff member assigned to your county. 

Water Quality Monitoring Schedules Back Online

Your Water Quality Monitoring Schedule (WQMS) is now online. Your WQMS helps you keep track of your system’s source-specific and distribution water quality monitoring requirements. We include information about additional federal PFAS requirements water systems must meet.

If you’re new to the WQMS, you can learn more about the contents of your WQMS and how to access it online, please review Water Quality Monitoring Schedule Instructions 331-645 (PDF). To view or print your WQMS, follow the instructions starting on page 4. To look up your WQMS online, use only the first five characters of your water system ID and no other information.

Reviewing your WQMS throughout the year helps you stay up-to-date with your monitoring requirements. Samples you submit and changes you make to your Water Facility Inventory form can change your monitoring requirements. It may take up to eight weeks for the WQMS to show the most recent chemical sample(s) you collected. 

If you have any quarterly requirements or new organic detections, you should view your WQMS every calendar quarter. Your quarterly requirements may continue to show up throughout the year. If anything looks incorrect to you, please contact us.

More Changes to PFAS on the WQMS

This year, in addition to the PFAS requirements per the State Board of Health regulations, you may also see “initial quarterly” monitoring per the final federal PFAS regulations, which EPA published on April 26, 2024. You can learn more about PFAS on the WQMS on our PFAS in Drinking Water webpage. We updated it with more details and resource links. We scheduled specific months for PFAS samples to help water systems meet these requirements. Please ensure you follow the scheduled month and year for PFAS monitoring on your WQMS.

The federal rule requires initial monitoring based on both system size and source water type. Since the timing is very important for initial monitoring under the federal rule, you will be able to identify samples assigned to meet the federal requirements because they will have a basis of ‘initial quarterly’ on the WQMS. Water systems on increased monitoring may not see the initial quarterly because the initial quarterly requirements would be met by their increased monitoring. Small systems serving groundwater will need to collect two samples that are seasonally five to seven months apart. Medium and large systems, greater than 10,000, and all surface water sources need four quarters of samples, which must all be seasonally two to four months apart. “Seasonally” apart means without regard to the year, except that it has to be between October 2021 and December 2026.

If you had detections in the initial sample, the sampling requirements may display increased quarterly. We will address the requirements after each result is entered as reflected in our PFAS Monitoring Requirements 331-668 (PDF). Water systems with future detections will see similar quarterly requirements reflected.

To find a lab accredited for testing PFAS in drinking water, we created a list of Accredited Labs that Test Public Drinking Water Samples for PFAS 331-700 (PDF). You can also access Ecology’s Environmental Laboratory Accreditation webpage.

We Can Pay for Your PFAS Sampling! 

We contracted with two laboratories and can pay for some or possibly all of your PFAS initial samples. Funding is limited, so it is important to sign up now. Fill out our online PFAS Free Sampling Enrollment Form, and we will contact you when your system is assigned to a lab for sampling.

Remember that for distribution system lead and copper monitoring, we are strictly enforcing the compliance interval of June through September for those systems that are on annual or three-year frequency. All compliance samples must be collected between June 1 and September 30 to meet an annual or three-year monitoring requirement. This timing interval does not impact systems scheduled for six-month sample sets.

If you need help, please contact your regional office.

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Archived Issues of ODW Now


January 2025 (PDF)


November 2024 (PDF)

September 2024 (PDF)

July 2024 (PDF)

May 2024 (PDF)

March 2024 (PDF)

January 2024 (PDF)


November 2023 (PDF)

September 2023 (PDF)

July 2023 (PDF)

May 2023 (PDF)

March 2023 (PDF)

January 2023 (PDF)


November 2022 (PDF)

September 2022 (PDF)

July 2022 (PDF)

May 2022 (PDF)

March 2022 (PDF)

January 2022 (PDF)

Archived Issues of Water Tap





Note: The documents on this page were published on the dates specified. The internet links and other resources cited in the document were current as of those dates.