Our Site Assessments Program conducted health consultations from the early 1990's to 2017 as part of a cooperative agreement with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). We evaluated data about contaminants released into the environment, identified possible health hazards, and made recommendations to protect public health. In 2020, ATSDR renewed funding for us to continue this work.
Health Consultations by County
Adams County
- No current sites.
Asotin County
- No current sites.
Benton County
- No current sites.
Chelan County
- Lincoln Elementary School, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Wenatchee, September 2006 (PDF)
- Manson Elementary School, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Chelan, September 2006 (PDF)
- Schools in Eastern and Central Washington, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, July 2008 (PDF)
- Washington Elementary School, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Wenatchee, September 2006 (PDF)
Clallam County
- Rayonier Mill Site Exposure Investigation - Evaluation of Dioxins in Crab and Geoduck Tissue from a Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Fishing Area near Port Angeles, February 2005 (PDF)
- Port Angeles Harbor, Evaluation of Chemical Contaminants in Dungeness Crab, Coonstripe Shrimp, and Mussels (PDF)
- Port Angeles Harbor Sediments, Port Angeles, March 2015 (PDF)
Clark County
- Boomsnub/Airco Superfund Site, Private Well Survey, Vancouver, December 2003 (PDF)
- Boomsnub/Airco Superfund Site, Private Well Data Follow-up, Vancouver, May 2004 (PDF)
- Boomsnub/Airco Superfund Site, Vancouver, September 2001 (PDF)
- Cadet and Swan Sites, Technical Review and Indoor Air Monitoring, Port of Vancouver, February 2010 (PDF)
- Cadet Manufacturing and Former Swan Manufacturing Sites, Residential Indoor Air Test Results, Fruit Valley Neighborhood, Vancouver, December 2007 (PDF)
- Cadet Manufacturing Company Site, Remedial Investigation Update Report, Vancouver, May 2006 (PDF)
- Cadet Manufacturing Company Site, Indoor Air Evaluation, Vancouver, May 2003 (PDF)
- Cadet Manufacturing Company Site, Indoor Air Evaluation Work Plan for Fruit Valley Neighborhood, March 2002 (PDF)
- Cadet Manufacturing Company Site, Residential Soil Vapor Vacuum System Installation, February 2004 (PDF)
- Caribou Realty Group, Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) Release, Vancouver, April 2006 (PDF)
- Milton's Dry Cleaner Site, Indoor Air Assessment, Residential Unit on the U-Lock-It Property, Vancouver, May 2015 (PDF)
- Milton's Dry Cleaner Site, Vapor Intrusion Assessment, Fort Vancouver High School, Vancouver, May 2011 (PDF)
- Park Laundry Site, Indoor Air Results for November 2012, Ridgefiled, March 2013 (PDF)
- Park Laundry Site, Vapor Intrusion Pathway Evaluation, Ridgefield, January 2012 (PDF)
- Swan Manufacturing Company Site, Remedial Investigation Report, Technical Document Review, Vancouver, 2008 (PDF)
- Walnut Grove Industrial Park, Vancouver, December 1997 (PDF)
Columbia County
No current sites.
Cowlitz County
- No current sites.
Douglas County
- Lake Roosevelt Beaches Sediment, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, March 2010 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt, Drinking Water Systems Review, October 2012 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt Fish, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, February 2013 (PDF)
- Rock Island Area, Limited Private Well and Soil Assessment, June 2015 (PDF)
- Schools in Eastern and Central Washington, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, July 2008 (PDF)
Ferry County
- Lake Roosevelt Beaches Sediment, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, March 2010 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt, Drinking Water Systems Review, October 2012 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt Fish, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, February 2013 (PDF)
Franklin County
Garfield County
- No current sites.
Grant County
- City of Warden, EDB Drinking Water Well Contamination, September 2005 (PDF)
- Ephrata Landfill, Groundwater Contaminants, December 2010 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt Beaches Sediment, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, March 2010 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt, Drinking Water Systems Review, October 2012 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt Fish, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, February 2013 (PDF)
Grays Harbor County
- City of Montesano, Vapor Intrusion Assessment, Petroleum and Solvent Contaminated Soil and Groundwater, April 2009 (PDF)
- Whitney's Chevrolet, Montesano, Vapor Intrusion, November 2010 (PDF)
Island County
- Holmes Harbor Shellfish, Evaluation of Selected Metals, Freeland, July 2008 (PDF)
- Holmes Harbor, Freeland, September 2006 (PDF)
- Penn Cove, Evaluation of Exposures to Chemicals in Mussels After Vessel Fire and Oil Spill, September 2012 (PDF)
Jefferson County
- Does Your Community Have a Paper Mill? What You Should Know, July 2024 (PDF)
- Port Townsend Paper Corporation, Summary of Air Quality Issues and Identification of Information Needed to Address Community Health Concerns, December 2008 (PDF)
King County
- Alder Tower Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Caulking, Seattle, July 2011 (PDF)
- Boeing Auburn Site, Algona Residential Indoor Air Results, January 2014 (PDF)
- Boeing Auburn Site, Evaluation of Groundwater Contamination, Auburn/Algona, January 2012 (PDF)
- Boeing Auburn Site, Exposures to Surface Water in Chicago Avenue Ditch and Government Canal, Algona, March 2013 (PDF)
- Boeing Auburn Site, Exposures to Surface Water Seasonal Sampling 2013, Algona, August 2014 (PDF)
- BSB Diversified/Hexcel Corporation, Evaluation of Groundwater Contamination, Kent, August 2006 (PDF)
- Dallas Avenue Neighborhood PCB Exposure Investigation Report, Seattle, May 2006 (PDF)
- Dallas Avenue Soil Removal Site, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Seattle, September 2005 (PDF)
- Dumas Bay, Evaluations of Selected Metals in Geoduck Tissue, April 2007 (PDF)
- Duwamish Valley Regional Modeling and Health Risk Assessment Summary of Results, Seattle, July 2008 (PDF)
- Elliott Bay Sediment and English Sole, Seattle, August 2009 (PDF)
- Federal Way and Des Moines Beach Sediment Evaluation, March 2009 (PDF)
- Genesee Landfill Site, Preliminary Health Assessment, Seattle, June 2016 (PDF)
- Kenmore Area of Lake Washington and Sammamish River, Evaluation of Sediment, Surface Water, and Ground Water, July 2013 (PDF)
- Landsburg Mine Site, Site Characterization Evaluation, King County, November 2016 (PDF)
- Lower Duwamish Waterway, Public Health Assessment, July 2003 (PDF)
- Lower Duwamish Waterway Site, Updated Fish Consumption Advisory and Evaluation of Marine Tissue, September 2005 (PDF)
- Malarkey Asphalt Site, South Park Community, Seattle, May 2001 (PDF)
- Master Park Site (SeaTac Development Site), SeaTac, August 2009 (PDF)
- Master Park Site, SeaTac, January 2006 (PDF)
- Newcastle Beach Park, Bellevue, Evaluation of Soil, Sediment, and Surface Water, June 2013 (PDF)
- PFAS in Soil at Five Areas of Interest, Lower Issaquah Valley, Issaquah, October 2024 (PDF)
- Philip Services Corporation, Evaluation of Indoor Air Sampling Near Site, Seattle, April 2001 (PDF)
- Philip Services Corporation - Georgetown Facility, Technical Review, Draft Site Wide Feasibility Study, Seattle, January 2006 (PDF)
- Philip Services Corporation - Georgetown Site, Seattle, March 2005 (PDF)
- Philip Services Corporation - Georgetown Site, Technical Review, Inhalation Pathway Interim Measure Approach, Groundwater to Indoor Air Pathway, Seattle, August 2005 (PDF)
- Rainier Commons LLC, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Exposure, Seattle, April 2013 (PDF)
- Rainier Commons LLC, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Paint Contamination, Seattle, March 2010 (PDF)
- Richmond Beach, Evaluation of Contaminants in Geoduck Tissue, September 2009 (PDF)
- South Park Site, Evaluation of Contaminants in Adjacent Streets and Residential Soils, Seattle, July 2010 (PDF)
- Sylvan Way Property, Seattle, March 2000 (PDF)
Kitsap County
- Bremerton Gasworks, Bremerton PHA, July 2016 (PDF)
- Bremerton Gasworks, Time Critical Removal Action of Sediments, December 2016 (PDF)
- Burley Lagoon, Sediment and Shellfish Data Review, March 2013 (PDF)
- Indianola Landfill, Indianola, May 2001 (PDF)
- Kingston Nike Site #92, Kingston, February 2005 (PDF)
- Port Gamble Bay, Port Gamble PHA, March 2015 (PDF)
- Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Evaluation of Inorganic Contaminants in Geoduck Tissue, September 2009 (PDF)
- Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Evaluation of Organic Contaminants in Geoduck Tissue, September 2009 (PDF)
Kittitas County
- No current sites.
Klickitat County
- No current sites.
Lewis County
Lincoln County
- Lake Roosevelt Beaches Sediment, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, March 2010 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt, Drinking Water Systems Review, October 2012 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt Fish, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, February 2013 (PDF)
Mason County
- Oakland Bay Site, Evaluation of Contaminants in Sediments, Shelton, June 2010 (PDF)
- Oakland Bay Site, Evaluation of Dioxins in Shellfish, Shelton, July 2010 (PDF)
Okanogan County
- Lake Roosevelt Beaches Sediment, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, March 2010 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt, Drinking Water Systems Review, October 2012 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt Fish, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, February 2013 (PDF)
- Schools in Eastern and Central Washington, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, July 2008 (PDF)
- Taplett Farms, Evaluation of Exposures to Soil, Omak, March 2012 (PDF)
Pacific County
- No current sites.
Pend Oreille County
- No current sites.
Pierce County
- Burley Lagoon, Sediment and Shellfish Data Review, March 2013 (PDF)
- Chambers Creek and Sequalitchew Creek Area, Evaluation of Shellfish and Sediment, September 2012 (PDF)
- Dumas Bay, Evaluations of Selected Metals in Geoduck Tissue, April 2007 (PDF)
- Federal Way and Des Moines Beach Sediment Evaluation, March 2009 (PDF)
- Hamilton Centerpoint Site, Eatonville, March 2014 (PDF)
- Home Heating Oil Release, Technical Review of the Site Hazard Assessment, Puyallup, March 2007 (PDF)
- McNeil Island, Chambers and Sequalitchew Creek Study Area, Evaluation of Shellfish and Sediment, March 2013 (PDF)
- Phillips Residential Property, Tacoma, April 2008 (PDF)
- Phillips Residential Property, Follow-up Actions, Tacoma, June 2009 (PDF)
- Wells Fargo Tower and Sound Physicians Building, PCBs in Caulking, Tacoma, February 2014 (PDF)
- Wells Fargo Tower, Review of Indoor Air and Dust Data for PCBs Exposure, Tacoma, July 2014 (PDF)
San Juan County
- No current sites.
Skagit County
Skamania County
- No current sites.
Snohomish County
- Mukilteo Tank Farm Pier Demolition, Review of Air Monitoring Data, September 2015 (PDF)
- Port Gardner and Lower Snohomish Estuary, Evaluation of Contaminants in Sediment, Fish, Shellfish, and Plant Tissue, June 2011 (PDF)
- SR530 Landslide, Evaluation of Private Drinking Water Wells and Surface Water near Oso, September 2014 (PDF)
- Tulalip Reservation, Evaluation of Chemical Contaminants in Varnish and Manila Clams, December 2015 (PDF)
- Warm Beach, Evaluation of Eastern Softshell Clam Contaminant Data at a Tulalip Tribal Consumption Rate LHC, March 2015 (PDF)
- Warm Beach, Evaluation of Chemical Contaminant Data from Eastern Softshell Clams, December 2014 (PDF)
- Warm Beach, Evaluation of Environmental Monitoring Data from Mussels, March 2014 (PDF)
- Yttri/Wozow Property, Exposure Assessment, December 2007 (PDF)
- Yttri/Wozow Site, Technical Review, Proposed Investigation Plan, September 2005 (PDF)
- Yttri/Wozow Site, Contaminated Site Evaluation, April 2005 (PDF)
Spokane County
- Euclid and Woods Roads Area, Trichloroethylene (TCE) Contaminated Groundwater, January 2009 (PDF)
- Heglar Kronquist Site, Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, August 2009 (PDF)
- Inland Empire Plating, Spokane, November 1999 (PDF)
- North Glen Water Association Well Near Colbert Landfill NPL Site, 1-4 Dioxane Contamination, May 2006 (PDF)
- Progress Elementary School, Veradale, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, June 2007 (PDF)
- Spokane River, Including Long Lake, Evaluation of PCBs, PBDEs, and Selected Metals, August 2007 (PDF)
- Spokane River, Potential Cumulative Health Effects Associated with Eating Fish, August 2011 (PDF)
- Spokane River Sediments, Contaminants from Coeur d'Alene Basin, April 2006 (PDF)
- Vermiculite Northwest, 1318 Maple Street, Spokane, July 2004 (PDF)
Stevens County
- Lake Roosevelt Beaches Sediment, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, March 2010 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt, Drinking Water Systems Review, October 2012 (PDF)
- Lake Roosevelt Fish, Non-Tribal Exposure Evaluation, February 2013 (PDF)
- LeRoi Company Smelter, Lead Exposure Investigation Results, Northport, December 2005 (PDF)
- LeRoi Company Smelter, Northport, May 2005 (PDF)
- Van Stone Mine, Evaluation of Environmental Exposures, Colville, September 2014 (PDF)
- Valley School Silica Exposure Status Update, July 2016 (PDF)
- Valley School Silica Exposure, Environmental Exposure Investigation Request, January 2016 (PDF)
- Up-to-date information about the air sampling investigation at Valley School
Thurston County
- Budd Inlet, Olympia, September 2008 (PDF)
- DNR Triangle Gravel Pit, Olympia, September 2006 (PDF)
- Eastside Laundry-Cleaners Site, Indoor Air Sample Evaluation at Roy's Barbershop and Farmer's Insurance, Olympia, September 2007 (PDF)
- Morris Road Air Quality, Yelm, April 2009 (PDF)
- Pacific Cleaners Site, Evaluation of Follow-up Indoor Air Sample Taken at Randy's Nutrition Center, Olympia, March 2005 (PDF)
- Priest Point Park Beach Sediment, Olympia, June 2011 (PDF)
- Percival Landing Rebuild, Olympia, October 2010 (PDF)
- TMC Cleaners (also known as Howard's Cleaners and Olympia Cleaners), Evaluation of follow-up Indoor Air Sampling Results at the Washington Traffic Safety Commission Offices, March 2005 (PDF)
Wahkiakum County
- No current sites.
Walla Walla County
- No current sites.
Whatcom County
- Little Squalicum Park, Technical Review, RI/FS Planning Documents, September 2005 (PDF)
- Sumas Mountain / Swift Creek Asbestos Cluster Investigation, October 2021 (PDF)
- Sumas Mountain / Swift Creek Asbestos Cluster Investigation, May 2013 (PDF)
- Sumas Mountain / Swift Creek Asbestos Cluster Investigation, February 2010 (PDF)
- Swift Creek Sediment Asbestos, Everson, March 2006 (PDF)
- Swift Creek Sediment Site, Evaluation of Health Statistics and Public Health Data Gaps Related to Exposure to Naturally Occurring Asbestos, Everson, February 2008 (PDF)
- Swift Creek, Asbestos and Metals in Groundwater and Leachate Health Consultation, Whatcom County, April 2016 (PDF)
- Y Road Landfill, Draft Environmental Assessment Proposal, Whatcom County, March 2000 (PDF)
Whitman County
- No current sites.
Yakima County
- Apple Valley Elementary School, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Yakima, November 2006 (PDF)
- Boyville Hop Ranch, Yakima Hops/Hop Union USA, Mabton, July 2002 (PDF)
- Frank Wear Cleaners Site, Evaluation of December 2023 Indoor Air Results, Terick’s Early Learning Center, Yakima, 2024 (PDF)
- Frank Wear Cleaners Site, Evaluation of October 2014-September 2015 and October 2015-May 2017 Indoor Air Results, Former Buckle My Shoe Early Learning Center and Learning Tree Early Learning Center, Yakima, 2023 (PDF)
- Frank Wear Cleaners Site, Evaluation of July 2012-December 2013 Indoor Air Results, Buckle My Shoe Early Learning Center, Yakima, June 4, 2014 (PDF)
- Frank Wear Cleaners Site, Indoor Air Quality Assessment at Buckle My Shoe Early Learning Center, Yakima, January 2012 (PDF)
- Gilbert Elementary School, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Yakima, September 2006 (PDF)
- Naches Valley Intermediate School, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Naches, September 2006 (PDF)
- North Galloway Road, Lead Arsenate Pesticide, Yakima, April 2002 (PDF)
- Robertson Elementary School, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, Yakima, September 2006 (PDF)
- Schools in Eastern and Central Washington, Evaluation of Soil Contamination, July 2008 (PDF)
- Unocal 76 (Former Company Site), Yakima, January 2002 (PDF)