To establish and promote a system of emergency medical and trauma care services. Such a system provides a timely and appropriate delivery of emergency medical treatment for people with acute illness and traumatic injury, and recognizes the changing methods and environment for providing optimal emergency care throughout Washington State.
- Establishes minimum standards for hospital-based trauma services
- Designates hospitals to provide trauma services
- Provides clinical consultation to trauma services and providers
- Develops trauma clinical care guidelines
- Collects data on seriously injured patients
- Provides data reporting and analysis
Trauma System Evaluation and Quality Improvement
- Provides evaluations of clinical care, system performance and patient outcomes at the local, regional and statewide level
- Provides data and technical support to the EMS and Trauma Care Councils for planning and needs assessment
Washington Emergency Management Services Information System (WEMSIS)
- Collects data on all EMS runs
- Provides pre-hospital data reporting and analysis
- Provides financial support to hospital, physician, prehospital and rehabilitation services in the trauma system