Commission Meetings

Pharmacy Commission Meeting Information

Accessibility: The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission’s meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. More information about Pharmacy Commission meeting accessibility is online.

How to Get on the Agenda

Request an agenda item

Anyone wanting to request an agenda item should send a completed Request for Consideration Form (PDF) and supporting materials to the commission via email ( Submit requests at least 60 days before the desired business meeting. Please submit one Request for Consideration Form per topic. Please note that the Request for Consideration Form should not be used for Ancillary Utilization Plans (AUPs) or Technician Training Programs (TTPs). You may find the AUP and TTP applications on the Pharmacy Licensing webpage

Request for Consideration Forms

The Request for Consideration Form should be clear and complete. Reasonable efforts are made to accommodate requested meeting dates but cannot always be accommodated.

Upon submission, PQAC staff will review the Request for Consideration and notify the requestor whether the item is added to the agenda. If so, meeting details will be shared with the requestor. 

Compliance with the Public Records Act

Documents submitted to the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (commission) are public records, subject to the Public Records Act, chapter 42.56 RCW, and presumptively open to public inspection and copying. The commission makes meeting materials available for public inspection and copying on its website, including request for consideration forms and accompanying records. If you believe any of the records you submitted may be exempt from disclosure under chapter 42.56 RCW, including proprietary data or trade secrets, then do not submit the records. Instead, take appropriate action which may include seeking a court order protecting those records and providing notice of the proceedings to the commission. The materials may be submitted to the commission in a manner consistent with an order of the court when the legal proceeding has concluded.

Commission Meetings

2025 Meetings

Commission Business Meetings – WSR 24-05-078 (PDF)

Meeting Date and Time Location
2025 Legislative Calls

January 24 – May 2
Noon to 1 p.m.

February 7 Agenda and Bill Report (PDF)

Department of Health
TC2 111 Israel Rd. S.E., Rm. 140
Tumwater, WA 98501

Zoom 890 1330 6617

Business Meeting

February 6
9 a.m.

Agenda (PDF) and Materials (PDF)

Draft Self-Inspection Worksheets

Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
L&I, 7273 Linderson Way S.W.
Business Meeting March 27
9 a.m.

Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
Capital Region ESD113, 6005 Tyee Dr. S.W.

Business Meeting May 22
9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
Capital Region ESD113, 6005 Tyee Dr. S.W.
Business Meeting June 26
9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
Capital Region ESD113, 6005 Tyee Dr. S.W.
Business Meeting August 14
9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
L&I, 7273 Linderson Way S.W.
Business Meeting October 16
9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
L&I, 7273 Linderson Way S.W.
Business Meeting December 4
9 a.m.
Zoom # 863 0929 9195 and
L&I, 7273 Linderson Way S.W.

If you need additional information, please contact:

Washington Department of Health
Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission
P.O. Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852
Phone: 360-236-4946
Fax: 360-236-2260

Please be advised the Pharmacy Commission is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such, the information you submit to the commission, including personal information, may ultimately be subject to disclosure as a public record.

*Unless otherwise notified, meetings will be hybrid meetings (virtually and in person). The majority of PQAC public meetings will be held via Zoom with various in-person locations, Webinar ID#s announced through GovDelivery.

*Meetings subject to change.

Commission Meeting Minutes







For additional past meeting minutes, contact the Pharmacy Commission.

Commission Meeting Packets


December 12

Agenda (PDF)

Meeting Materials (PDF)

October 10-11

October 10 agenda (PDF)

October 11 agenda (PDF)

Meeting materials (PDF)

October 4 - Special Meeting

Agenda (PDF)

Meeting materials (PDF)

August 22

Agenda (PDF)

Meeting materials (PDF)

June 27

Agenda (PDF)

Meeting materials (PDF)

May 2-3

May 3 agenda (PDF)

May 2 agenda (PDF)

May meeting materials (PDF)

March 7

Agenda (PDF)

Meeting Materials (PDF) (including legislative updates)

February 1

Agenda (PDF)

Meeting materials (PDF) (including legislative updates)


December 14-15

December 15 agenda (PDF)
December 15 meeting materials (PDF)
December 14 agenda (PDF)
December 14 meeting materials (PDF)

October 19

Agenda (PDF)
Meeting materials (PDF)

August 24-25

Meeting materials (PDF)

June 15

Meeting materials (PDF)

May 4-5

May 4 meeting materials (PDF)
May 5 meeting materials (PDF)

March 2-3

March 2 meeting materials (PDF)
March 3 meeting materials (PDF)

January 12-13

January 12 meeting materials (PDF)
January 13 meeting materials (PDF)


November 17

Meeting materials (PDF)

September 27

Pharmacy Practice Committee (PDF)

September 23

Meeting materials (PDF)

September 22

Meeting materials (PDF)

July 15

Meeting materials (PDF)

July 14

Meeting materials (PDF)

May 13
Meeting materials (PDF)
May 12
Meeting materials (PDF)
March 24
Meeting materials (PDF)
March 25
Meeting materials (PDF)
January 28
Meeting materials (PDF)


December 21

Meeting materials (PDF)

November 15

Meeting agenda (PDF)

October 22

Meeting materials (PDF)

September 2

Meeting materials (PDF)

July 16

Meeting materials (PDF)

June 3-4

June 3 agenda and meeting materials (PDF)
June 4 agenda and meeting materials (PDF)

April 23

Meeting materials (PDF)

March 4-5

Meeting packet (PDF)

Meeting Accessibility

Special aids and services can be made available upon advance request including ASL interpretation and interpretation in languages other than English. Requests must be made no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. If you would like general information about this meeting, please call 360-236-4947. If you need assistance with special services, you may leave a message with that request at 360-236-4052 or if calling outside Washington state call 1-800-525-0127. TDD may be accessed by calling the TDD relay service at 711. If you need assistance due to a speech disability, Speech to Speech provides human voices for people with difficulty being understood. The Washington State Speech to Speech toll free access number is 1-877-833-6341.

Contact and Connect

Contact pharmacy staff | Email customer service | Phone: 360-236-4946

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