Free Outreach Materials

We know there are over 50,000 women and children in Washington who are eligible for WIC who don't receive our services. Help us reach them! Here are ways to help:

Thank you for helping us share the word about WIC.

About WIC Outreach Materials

Materials include a poster, tri-fold brochure, and counter cards. The poster and brochure are available in 15+ languages. The counter card is available in 12 languages, while supplies last. These materials can be ordered by WIC local agencies and community partners free of charge from Limited quantities are available for community partners. Please review the instructions for the fulfillment center in the Ordering WIC Materials section of the WIC Program Forms and Materials webpage.

Outreach Brochure

Download WIC Outreach Brochure (PDF). There are five versions of the WIC outreach brochure available. Each version contains graphics that reflect different communities in Washington. Please feel free to download any version of the brochures.

View Other Versions and Languages

General Audiences

American Indian/Alaskan Native

Black/African American



Outreach Poster (11x17 in)

Download WIC Outreach Poster (PDF)

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Outreach Rack Cards

Download WIC Outreach Rack Card (PDF)

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Feeding Your Terrific Two-Year Old

The WIC Feeding Your Terrific Two-Year Old (English and Español)(PDF) sheet includes tips for parents on eating and mealtimes for children. It also has information about the WIC program. This material is included in the Washington Watch Me Grow mailing and can be printed by parents, as well as WIC agencies for distribution. It is available in other languages below.

Tips for Picky Eaters & WIC Program

The WIC Tips for Picky Eaters for 3-year-olds includes information for parents on picky eating and the WIC Program. This material is included in the Washington Watch Me Grow mailing and can be printed by parents, as well as WIC agencies for distribution. It is available in other languages below.

View Other Languages

Where to Share WIC Outreach Materials

Use the outreach materials to share information about the benefits of WIC. Post the materials in places frequented by WIC-eligible families. We know health care providers' offices are an excellent place to distribute WIC materials. Other examples include childcare centers, places of worship, schools, or other community and social service organizations.