Project Overview

Last revised date: July 29, 2024

Current Application Status by Week

Image of weekly application status graph
Weekly application status image


Date Not Ready for Review On Schedule Decision Past Due Sum of Applications Received
6/20/2023 15 15 2 32
7/3/2023 15 14 2 31
7/31/2023 21 14 1 36
8/14/2023 21 15 0 36
8/28/2023 22 10 0 32
9/11/2023 16 11 0 27
9/25/2023 13 7 0 20
10/23/2023 9 11 0 20
11/9/2023 9 9 0 18
11/20/2023 9 10 0 19
12/04/2023 9 11 0 20
12/18/2023 9 11 0 20
1/26/2024 11 7 0 18
2/9/2024 13 8 0 21
2/23/2024 12 2 1 15
3/11/2024 12 3 1 16
4/8/2024 8 5 0 13
4/24/2024 9 5 0 14
5/7/2024 7 7 0 14
5/20/2024 8 7 0 15
6/17/2024 8 8 0 16
7/3/2024 7 8 0 15
7/15/2024 7 8 2 17
7/26/2024 6 9 0 15


  • Decision Past Due: Decision date extended
  • On Schedule: In review/on time
  • Not Ready for Review: In screening/public comment period

Data source: Washington State Department of Health, Certificate of Need Program

To view project details, visit the Project Status page.

Completed and Received Applications by Week


Image of completed and received applications by week graph
Date Applications Completed Applications Received
6/20/2023 0 1
7/3/2023 3 3
7/31/2023 6 11
8/14/2023 2 0
8/28/2023 3 0
9/11/2023 5 0
9/25/2023 9 1
10/23/2023 2 1
11/6/2023 0 2
11/20/2023 0 2
12/04/2023 0 1
1/2/2024 1 4
1/26/2024 4 0
2/9/2024 3 2
2/23/2024 3 2
3/11/2024 3 2
3/25/2024 2 1
4/8/2024 3 1
4/24/2024 2 1
5/7/2024 1 1
5/20/2024 1 2
6/17/2024 3 3
7/3/2024 1 0
7/15/2024 0 0
7/29/2024 2 0

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