Download these resources to use for stroke education and community awareness. They're free and available for hospitals, EMS agencies, public health departments, media outlets and everyone else.
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For stroke patients, faster treatment means a better chance at survival with less disability. If you suspect someone's having a stroke, think FAST – and call 911 right away. Learn the signs at

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To remember the signs of stroke, think FAST. If their face droops, their arm is weak, or they have trouble talking, it's time. Call 911 now. Learn more about the signs of stroke at

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Would you recognize a stroke in progress? If someone's speech is slurred, garbled or slow, or they have sudden trouble talking, they could be having a stroke. Learn the signs today – so you can think FAST and call 911. Visit to learn more.

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Sometimes love means making the call – like to 911 when your loved one may be suffering a stroke. If their face droops, their arm is weak, or they have trouble talking, it's time. Call 911 now.

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Many strokes can be treated by a drug that breaks up a clot blocking blood flow to the brain – and the faster you're treated, the more likely you'll be able to return home to your family and daily routines. Learn the signs of stroke and call 911 when you see them. Go to

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For stroke patients, fast treatment means a better chance at survival with less disability. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel are trained to identify stroke and get the patient to a stroke center fast. If you see a sign of stroke, it's time to call 911 right away. Learn the signs at

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If someone might be having a stroke, overcome the urge to “wait and see” – call 911 now. You could save a life. Learn the signs of stroke at

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If someone experiences sudden arm weakness, they could be having a stroke. Ask them to lift both arms. Does one arm stay down or drift down? Call 911 right away if you see or experience any sign of stroke. Learn more about the signs of stroke at
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Stroke patients need care FAST. See the signs? Call 911.
A stroke is a brain attack, caused when an artery in the brain is blocked or bursts – and part of the brain starts to die. Fast treatment is crucial for a better chance at survival with less disability. If you see one or more signs of stroke, act FAST and call 911 immediately.
F: Does their face droop on one side?
A: Do they have trouble raising one or both arms?
S: Do they have trouble speaking?
T: It's time to call 911.
Overcome the urge to “wait and see” – call 911 to get the care they need.
What a great way to say, “I love you.”
Learn more about the signs of stroke and why fast treatment is crucial at