This section offers data and statistical reports on acute health conditions caused by pathogens and chronic conditions, reported by primary care providers and health care institutions.
- Asthma Data
- Cancer Data
- Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) Surveillance
- Chronic Disease Profiles
- Chronic Hepatitis Surveillance
- Communicable Disease Surveillance Data
- Health of Washington State Report
- Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes
- HIV/AIDS Data, including Factsheets and Surveillance
- Newborn Screening Data
- Obesity
- Oral Health
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Tuberculosis Data and Reports
- West Nile Virus
The department maintains data and statistical reports on diseases and conditions. Sources of data include reports by health care providers, hospitalization data, death records, studies, and community surveys.
These data summarize trends in notifiable communicable diseases reported by local health jurisdictions to the department. Reported cases often represent only a fraction of the actual burden of disease.
The accuracy of this information has limitations, due to:
- Sick people who do not seek healthcare
- Healthcare providers and others who do not always recognize, confirm or report notifiable conditions.
Chronic diseases/conditions
A chronic disease persists over a long period of time or recurs. Some chronic diseases, such as chronic hepatitis and HIV are caused by pathogens (germs). Others are causes by behaviors (some types of heart disease, cancer, etc), the environment (some asthma and cancer), or genetics (some birth defects and cancer). Sometimes the cause of chronic conditions is not fully known or there may be a combination of causes. Chronic diseases or conditions include:
- Asthma
- Birth defects (and other special healthcare needs of children)
- Cancer
- Chronic hepatitis
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease and Stroke
- Obesity
Acute diseases
An acute disease is a disease with a rapid onset and/or a short course. Many acute diseases are caused by pathogens (germs). Acute diseases include:
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Other communicable diseases (including: enteric/foodborne disease, vaccine preventable disease, zoonotic disease, acute hepatitis)