Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Program

The Department of Health's HEAL program works with partners to engage early learning, communities, schools, employers, faith-based settings, and healthcare providers in making it easier for children and adults to make healthy choices in our daily lives. The HEAL program uses a policy, system and environmental approach to create places where everyone is supported to reach their health goals. Increasing health equity is a key factor in all priority areas.

HEAL's Priority Areas

Access to Healthy Foods

Developing healthy food environments where people can easily access affordable, quality, culturally appropriate healthy food and beverages.

Activity Friendly Environments

Building active community environments where people of all ages and abilities can easily enjoy walking, bicycling, and other forms of recreation and active transportation.


Supporting changes in child care, hospitals, communities, and worksites that make it easier for women to start and continue to breastfeed.

Local Strategies for Physical Activity and Nutrition

Working with four communities in Washington to engage in policy, systems and environmental changes.

Nourished and Active in Early Learning

Creating healthy environments in early learning settings to help children make life-long healthy choices, improve health outcomes and readiness to learn.


Encouraging companies and organizations to create healthy work environments that encourage employees to eat better and be active.