Washington State Health Assessment

A State Health Assessment (SHA) describes the health of a state’s population. The SHA process involves examining existing local, state, and national data, as well as collecting information from community. Epidemiologists collect, analyze, and report data, the community helps to draw conclusions. The SHA serves as a resource for the public health system and community partners. The findings form the basis of a health improvement plan. The plan is used to set priorities with community partners to improve the population’s health.

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Community Health Indicators

Community health indicators provide information about the health of a community. They are used to measure the health status of a population, identify areas for improvement, and monitor progress over Time.

Explore the data (PDF)

Our Approach to Measuring Health

Health is not just about the outcomes, such as how long we live or the health conditions we have or do not have. While these are important indicators of health, they do not provide a complete picture. Health is a complex concept that affects many different areas of our lives. It is important to consider all these factors when evaluating our overall health and well- being. Guided by the Department of Health’s vision for “Equity & Optimal Health For All” staff engaged public health system partners in assessment activities aligned with the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) Framework.

Learn about MAPP 2.0
