Department of Health issues default order with indefinite suspension on license of in-home services facility

For immediate release: February 27, 2025   (25-029)

Media contact: DOH Communications        

OLYMPIA – The Department of Health has issued a default order with indefinite suspension on the license of Caregivers 4 Mom and Dad (IHS.FS.60848537).

The initial charges issued allege that Caregivers 4 Mom and Dad (Caregivers), located at 294 Sears Rd Winlock, WA, after conducting a health and safety investigation, failed to submit a plan of correction to address issues related to patient medications, fall prevention, and general patient care concerns. Caregivers was given many opportunities to respond to and address the allegations, however they failed to do so properly.

Caregivers may not provide patient care services in Washington state as of 02/19/2025 due to this suspension.

The legal documents on this case can be seen online as they become available by clicking the link on Facilities Inspections and Investigations Search on the Department of Health website; copies can be requested by calling 360-236-4700.

Anyone who believes a health care facility is in violation of licensing laws is encouraged to call 360-236-2620 to report their complaint. Complaints can also be submitted via email to

The Department of Health protects and promotes public health, safety, and welfare in Washington by regulating the competency and quality of health care providers and facilities. The agency establishes, monitors, and enforces qualifications for licensing, consistent standards of practice, continuing competency mechanisms, and discipline. Rules, policies, and procedures promote the delivery of quality health care to people in Washington.

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