Rule-Making Activity

For information about all current rules that apply to a topic, look in the title area for the subject. The rule title can be sorted ascending and descending by clicking on the small triangle next to the Title heading, or you can use the Search at the top of the list. For example, if you enter "drinking water rules" in the Search box, all rules with those words in their titles will appear at the top of the list.

Title Sort descending WAC WSR Status Comments Accepted Until CR-101 Filed CR-102 Filed CR-103 Filed CR-103E Filed CR-105 Filed Further Information Hearing Date Time Hearing Location
Home Care Aides - Temporary Changes to Reduce Barriers to Certification WAC 246-980-100 24-13-001 Emergency Rule | Read the CR-103E (PDF)

WAC 246-980-100 (5)(c) requires that home care aide certification testing occur within two years of training. This emergency rule removes the two-year limit on the validity of training. These rules continue without change, emergency rules initially filed on October 17, 2022. Emergency rules are being continued while permanent rulemaking is in progress to consider training timelines for home care aides.

These rules continue emergency rules initially filed on October 17, 2022 under WSR 22-21-102 and continued on February 14, 2023 under WSR 23-05-083, June 13, 2023 under WSR 23-13-068, October 12, 2023 under WSR 23-21-065, and February 7, 2024 under WSR 24-04-095. They are being continued while permanent rulemaking is in progress to consider training time lines for home care aides. The standards set in this emergency rule are the same as the current emergency rule.

Hospital Staffing Committees Interpretive Statement 24-07-061 Adopted

Interpreting the requirements of RCW 70.41.420, which describes the establishment, composition, and responsibilities of hospital staffing committees. Interpretive Statement CHS-01-17-24. Effective Date: January 1, 2024

Hospital Staffing Committees Interpretive Statement CHS-01-17-24.2 24-14-022 Adopted

The Washington State Department of Health's interpretation of RCW 70.41.420, as it relates to the establishment, composition, and responsibilities of hospital staffing committees. Effective Date: June 21, 2024.

Hospital Trauma Designation Recission Memo WAC 246-976-580
WAC 246-976-700
23-22-099 Withdrawn | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

This memo serves as notice that the Department of Health is withdrawing CR-101, filed January 8, 2021, published under WSR 21-03-011, and CR-102 filed on May 24, 2023, published under WSR 23-11-166. The department is withdrawing this CR-101 and CR-102 because the comments received from interested parties during the public comment process indicated substantial opposition to the rule as proposed.

As a result, the department will continue to use its existing authority and rules to determine the need for new trauma centers and the optimal distribution of trauma services to ensure equitable access to trauma care. Individuals requiring information on this rule should contact Anthony Partridge, Program Manager, at

Human Donor Milk Bank Standards 246-720 WAC 23-08-054 Accepting comments | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

Hearing Location(s): On May 16, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. DOH will be holding a virtual-only hearing. Register in advance for this webinar After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Human Remains Clerical Amendment WAC 246-500-055 23-09-027 Adopted | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

Purpose: WAC 246-500-055. The State Board of Health (Board) adopted amendments to WAC 246-500-055 to clarify rule 
language in subsection (2)(f) and Table 500-A, and to correct a typographical error in subsection (2)(b) without changing the 
rule’s effect. Minimal housekeeping changes were also made to subsections (2)(c), (2)(d), and (4). WAC 246-500-055 
establishes the requirements that natural organic reduction facilities (NOR) must meet for this particular reduction method. 
These minor revisions were made to the rule based on feedback from interested parties and Board staff. The adopted rule is 
necessary to allow facilities to continue with their processes and ensure initial testing requirements described in the rule are 
Citation of rules affected by this order:
New: None 
Repealed: None 
Amended: WAC 246-500-055 
Suspended: None 
Statutory authority for adoption: RCW 43.20.050(2)(f) 
Other authority: 
PERMANENT RULE (Including Expedited Rule Making)
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 23-04-100 on January 31, 2023.
Describe any changes other than editing from proposed to adopted version: 
There have been no changes to the proposed rule language filed under WSR 23-04-100. 
If a preliminary cost-benefit analysis was prepared under RCW 34.05.328, a final cost-benefit analysis is available by 
This rule was exempt from a cost-benefit analysis under 34.05.328(5)(b)(iv). The adopted amendment corrected 
typographical errors and clarified language in the rule without changing its effect. 

Human Remains Reduced Through Natural Organic Reduction Rule Clarification WAC 246-500-055 23-05-109 Accepting comments

This will be a hybrid meeting. 
Below is the physical address for 
those attending in person: 
Washington State Department 
of Labor & Industries 
7273 Linderson Way SW, 
Tumwater, WA 98501
Zoom webinar information for those attending virtually:

In-Home Services Telemedicine Supervision WAC 246-335-510
WAC 246-335-545
WAC 246-335-610
WAC 246-335-645
23-01-032 Adopted


Initial Licensure for Out-of-State Educated Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses WAC 246-840-030
WAC 246-840-090
24-03-103 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The Washington State Board of Nursing is proposing amendments to clarify specific licensing requirements for out-of-state Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) applicants.

The public hearing will be hybrid. You can attend in person or virtually by registering via Zoom. You can also submit comments in writing.

In Person

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Room 166/167
111 Israel Rd. S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501


Register in advance for this webinar: Zoom registration link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Written Comments

Submit written comments to:

Bonnie King
PO Box 47864
Olympia, WA 98504-7864

Fax: 360-236-4738

Submit comments online.

Assistance for People with Disabilities

Contact Bonnie King by February 27, 2024. 

Phone: 564-669-9721


Fax: 360-236-4738

Initial Nursing Licensure Applying Via Interstate Endorsement WAC 246-840-030
WAC 246-840-090
24-10-063 Adopted | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

The Washington State Board of Nursing adopted amendments to WAC 246-840-030 and WAC 246-840-090 clarifying specific licensing requirements for out-of-state registered nurse and licensed practical nurse applicants.

J-1 Physician Visa Waiver Rules 246-562 WAC 24-13-113 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is proposing a rewrite and reorganization of chapter 246-562 WAC to clarify and update rules about J-1 physician visa waivers. 

This is a hybrid hearing. You can attend in person or virtually by registering through Zoom. Comments may also be submitted in writing.

In Person

Department of Health
Town Center 2 Room 166/167
111 Israel Rd. S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501


Register in advance for this webinar: Zoom registration link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Written Comments

Submit written comments to:

Sarah Gambrill
Department of Health
PO Box 47853
Olympia, WA 98504-7853

Submit comments online

Assistance for People with Disabilities

Contact Sarah Gambrill by July 30, 2024.

Phone: 564-669-1697

TTY: 711


J-1 Visa Waiver Program 246-562 WAC 24-04-022 Withdrawn

Withdrawal of WSR 23-12-089, for chapter 246-562 WAC Physician Visa Waivers. The department is expanding the scope of the rule making project under a new CR-101.

Kidney Disease Treatment Center Temporary Emergency Exemptions WAC 246-310-825
WAC 246-310-800 through 246-310-833
24-10-089 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The Department of Health is proposing a new section, WAC 246-310-825 kidney disease treatment centers — temporary emergency situation exemption, and amending existing kidney disease treatment center rules, WAC 246-310-800 through 246-310-833, to implement Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5569 (chapter 48, Laws of 2023).

This is a hybrid hearing. You can attend in person or virtually by registering through Zoom.

In Person

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Room 166/167
111 Israel Rd. S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501


Register in advance for this webinar: Zoom registration link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Written Comments

Submit written comments to:

Ross Valore 
Department of Health
PO Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852

Submit comments online

Assistance for People with Disabilities

Contact Ross Valore by May 29, 2024.

Phone: 564-999-1060

TTY: 711


Large Onsite Sewage Systems - Penalty Schedule 246-272B WAC 24-13-109 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is considering amending chapter 246-272B WAC to add a penalty schedule for the issuance of civil penalties. RCW 70A.115.050 gives DOH the ability to assess a penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars per day for every violation of a law or rule regulating large onsite sewage systems. Rules that establish a penalty schedule will clarify DOH’s penalties based on the severity of the violation.

Licensed Athletic Trainer New Definitions Section in Rules 246-916 WAC 23-07-128 Pending formal proposal
Licensed Behavior Analyst, Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst, and Certified Behavior Analyst - Reducing Barriers to Licensure and Fee Changes WAC 246-805-010
WAC 246-805-100
WAC 246-805-200
WAC 246-805-220 and more
24-11-103 Adopted | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) adopted updated certification requirements to reduce barriers, clarify requirements, and update continuing health equity and AIDS continuing education and training requirements. Fees were added and updated to support the new rule changes.

Citation of rules affected by this order:

New: WACs 246-805-025, 246-805-110, 246-805-120, 246-805-130, 246-805-250, 246-805-325, 246-805-340, 246-805-401, 246-805-402, 246-805-510, and 246-805-520

Repealed: WAC 246-805-020

Amended: WACs 246-805-010, 246-805-100, 246-805-200, 246-805-220, 246-805-230, 246-805-240, 246-805-300, 246-805-310, 246-805-320, 246-805-330, 246-805-400, 246-805-410, and 246-805-990

Licensed Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse Health Equity Continuing Education Requirements WAC 246-840-220
WAC 246-840-222
23-19-081 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The board, formerly known as the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, is proposing a new section of rule and revisions to existing rule in WAC 246-840-220 and 246-840-222 to establish health equity continuing education (CE) requirements to implement Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5229 (chapter 276, Laws of 2021).

Physical Location

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Room 145
111 Israel Road S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501

Attend Virtually

Register for the Zoom meeting

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Submit Written Comments

Submit written comments to:

Jessilyn Dagum
P.O. Box 47864
Olympia, WA 98504-7864

Fax: 360-236-4738

Submit a comment online

Licensed Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse Temporary Practice Permit WAC 246-840-095 23-21-071 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The Washington State Board of Nursing is proposing amendments to WAC 246-840-095, Temporary Practice Permits, for LPN and RN effective dates, reducing the length of time a temporary practice permit is effective and updating criteria to issue a temporary practice permit in order to align the internal board process with rule language and implement Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1009 (chapter 165, Laws of 2023), Military Spouses—Professional Licensing and Employment.

The Washington State Board of Nursing will be offering both virtual and in-person options to attend this rule hearing.

Physical Location

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Room 145
111 Israel Road SE
Tumwater, WA 98501

Attend Virtually

We invite you to participate in our public rules hearing using your computer, tablet or smart phone.

Register for the webinar

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technologist Certification 246-926 WAC 24-13-114 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is considering adding new sections to and updating sections of chapter 246-926 WAC, Radiologic imaging professionals, to implement Substitute House Bill (SHB) 2355 (chapter 94, Laws of 2024), which establishes certification of MRI technologists. DOH will also consider minor housekeeping edits and or updates related specifically to establishing and regulating MRI technologists.

Massage Online Virtual and Health Equity Education WAC 246-830-430 23-12-002 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)
Massage Therapist Corrections and Updates to Training and Exam, Equipment and Sanitation Rule WAC 246-830-201
WAC 246-830-485
WAC 246-830-490
WAC 246-830-500
WAC 246-830-510
23-07-065 Adopted | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

This hearing is being held as a virtual public hearing, without a physical meeting space.

Massage Therapy Licensing by Endorsement WAC 246-830-035 23-07-064 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)
Medical Assistant Credential and Licensing Update WAC 246-827-0010, 246-827-0110, 246-827-0120, 246-827-0140, 246-827-0200, 246-827-0300, 246-827-0400, and 246-827-0610 23--16-004 Adopted | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

Purpose:Medical Assistants updated credentialing and licensure requirements in WAC 246-827-0010, 246-827-0110, 246-827-0120, 246-827-0140, 246-827-0200, 246-827-0300, 246-827-0400, and 246-827-0610. The Department of Health(department) is adopting revisions to medical assistant (MA) rules to remove outdated language, remove English languagerequirements, and update credentialing requirements. Outdated language includes removing language concerning theobsolete Health Care Assistant credential. Removing English requirements will remove unnecessary barriers for otherwisewell-qualified medical assistant staff to enter the workforce. RCW 18.360.010 was updated by House Bill (HB) 1378 (chapter44, Laws of 2021) to allow medical assistant supervision using audio and video technology during a telemedicine visit. Thedepartment is adding a new section to detail regulation for telemedicine supervision in response to HB 1378. Amendmentsremove irrelevant or confusing rule language, which will make the rules more easily understood. Updating credentialingrequirements to remove licensure barriers will allow experienced medical assistants to enter the Washington workforce.

Medical assistants — Various Provisions WAC 246-827-0010
WAC 246-827-0200
WAC 246-827-0240
WAC 246-827-0340 (new)
23-20-118 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)

The Department of Health is considering adding a new section of rule to address the medication administration requirements for the medical assistant-registered credential to align with recent legislation and considering updating the medical assistant-certified training and certification requirements to expand the types of apprenticeship programs accepted to meet the training requirements to allow experienced medical assistants to enter the Washington workforce more easily. Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1073 (Chapter 134, Laws of 2023). WAC 246-827-0010, 246-827-0200, and 246-827-0240, new section WAC 246-827-0340.

Medical Marijuana - Changing the term "Marijuana" to "Canabis" WACs 246-71-010, 246-71-020, 246-71-030, 246-71-040, 246-71-050, 246-71-080, 246-71-130
WACs 246-72-010, 246-72-020, 246-72-030, 246-72-040, 246-72-100, and 246-72-110
23-05-052 Adopted

Shannon Angell

PO Box 47850 Olympia WA 98504-7850



Medical Test Site (MTS) Licensure for Naturopath and Licensed Midwife Professions WAC 246-338-020
WAC 246-338-010
24-11-059 Adopted | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

To align with federal rules, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) removed the professions of naturopath licensed under chapter 18.36A RCW and midwife licensed under chapter 18.50 RCW from the list of licensed professionals that may perform a provider performed microscopic procedure (PPMP) in WAC 246-338-020. DOH clarified that both the laboratory director and testing personnel of PPMP must be licensed professionals. A technical citation amendment was also made to a definition in WAC 246-338-010.

Medical Test Site Licensure and Notification Requirements WAC 246-388-020
WAC 246-388-026
22-20-073 Adopted

Emergency Rule

Medical Test Site Licensure for Naturopath and Nurse Midwife Professions WAC 246-338-020
WAC 246-338-010
24-05-019 Accepting comments | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

To align with federal rules, the Department of Health (department) is proposing removing the professions of naturopath licensed under chapter 18.36A RCW and midwife licensed under chapter 18.50 RCW from the list of licensed professionals that may perform a provider performed microscopic procedure (PPMP) in WAC 246-338-020. The department is proposing to clarify that both the laboratory director and testing personnel of PPMP must be licensed professionals. The department is also proposing a technical citation adjustment to a definition in WAC 246-338-010. 

The public hearing will be hybrid. You can attend in person or virtually by registering via Zoom.

In Person

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Room 166/167
111 Israel Rd. S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501


Register in advance for this webinar: Zoom registration link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Written Comments

Submit written comments to:

Jessica Holloway
PO Box 47843
Olympia, WA 98504-7843

Submit comments online.

Assistance for People with Disabilities

Contact Jessica Holloway by March 21, 2024. 

Phone: 360-236-2927


Medication Assistance in Community-Based and In-Home Care Settings 246-945 WAC 24-14-078 Emergency Rule | Read the CR-103E (PDF)

The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission and the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) are filing jointly to reinstate medication assistance rules as permitted under chapter 69.41 RCW by adopting new rules which extends emergency rules WSR 24-06-047 filed on March 1, 2024, without change. This rule establishes criteria for medication assistance in community-based and in-home care settings in accordance with chapter 69.41 RCW.

Memo Rescinding an Incomplete Emergency Rule Amending Credentials for Mental Health Professionals WAC 246-341-0200
WAC 246-341-0515
WAC 246-810-010
WAC 246-810-015
WAC 246-810-990
24-08-001 Withdrawn

The Department of Health rescinded the CR103E filed as WSR 24-07-062 amending behavioral health agency licensing and certification requirements because it was incomplete. The emergency rule was refiled correctly under WSR 24-07-100. Filed March 20, 2024.

Memo Rescinding Emergency Rule About Out-of-State Nursing School Requirements for Licensure WAC 246-840-030
WAC 246-840-090
24-11-006 Withdrawn

The Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON) rescinded emergency rules in WAC 246-840-030 and WAC 246-840-090 filed as WSR 24-10-096 which clarified licensing requirements for registered nurse (RN) and licensed practical nurse (LPN) out of state applicants because the amendments have been adopted in permanent rule, making the emergency rule unnecessary.

Memo Rescinding On-Site Sewage Proprietary Treatment Products Emergency Rule WAC 246-272A-0110 24-08-067 Withdrawn

The Department of Health is rescinded the CR-103E for the Sixth Emergency rule for proprietary treatment products and the use of substitution products under WAC 246-272A-0110, published as WSR 24-04-071 because a permanent rule WSR 24-06-046 filed on March 1, 2024 makes the emergency rule redundant.

Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, and Social Worker Directory and Supervision Standards WAC 246-809-020 (new)
WAC 246-809-070 (new)
WAC 246-809-071 (new)
WAC 246-809-072 (new)
24-11-153 Emergency Rule | Read the CR-103E (PDF)

The Department of Health is continuing emergency rules that established licensure for mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and social workers. These emergency rules implement Section 7 of Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1724 (chapter 425, Laws of 2023), which was codified as RCW 18.225.180.

These rules continue without change the initial emergency rules filed on September 28, 2023 under WSR 23-20-055 and continued on January 26, 2024, under WSR 24-04-011. The department will continue these emergency rules until directory and supervision standards are adopted through the permanent rule making process. The department filed the Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) to begin the permanent rule making on December 27, 2023 under WSR 24-02-038.

Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, and Social Workers 246-809 WAC 24-10-012 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)

The Department of Health is considering rule amendments to reduce barriers to licensure and streamlining the credentialing process in chapter 246-809 WAC.

Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Social Workers - Reducing Barriers to Licensure and Credentialing Process 246-809 WAC 24-14-080 Emergency Rule | Read the CR-103E (PDF)

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is adopted emergency rules to meet the requirements of Second Substitute House Bill 1724 (chapter 425, Laws of 2023) and Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2247 (chapter 371, Laws of 2024). DOH will also consider adopting these changes through the permanent rulemaking process, under WSR 24-10-012, filed April 18, 2024. These emergency rules will be renewed while permanent rulemaking is in progress. 

Mental Health Professional Definition Amendment and Creation of Certified Agency Affiliated Counselor and Licensed Agency Affiliated Counselor Credentials, 246-810 WAC 23-23-136 Emergency Rule | Read the CR-103E (PDF)

Amending the definition of mental health professional and creating certified agency affiliated counselor and licensed agency affiliated counselor credentials. Amending WACs 246-341-0200 and 246-341-0515 in chapter 246-341 WAC, Behavioral Health Agency Licensing and Certification Requirements, and WACs 246-810-010, 246-810-015, and 246-810-990 in chapter 246-810 WAC, Counselors. 

Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1724 (chapter 425, Laws of 2023) made several immediate changes impacting behavioral health agencies, including amending the definition of “mental health professional” (MHP) and creating two new agency affiliated counselor (AAC) credentials. Because 2SHB 1724’s amendments to the MHP definition and AAC credentials went into effect immediately and were designated as necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety, or general welfare, the Department of Health (department) implemented these changes by emergency rule under WSR 23-16-031, filed on July 21, 2023.

This emergency rules continues without change the original emergency rule. The emergency rule:

  • Amends chapter 246-341 WAC to address language that conflicts with 2SHB 1724, deleting an outdated definition of MHP requirements and updating an incorrect cross-reference.
  • Amends chapter 246-810 WAC to expand existing language to establish two new credentials, the certified agency affiliated counselor (C-AAC) and the licensed agency affiliated counselor (L-AAC). The amendments align rule language with statute and revise the registered AAC fees to apply to all AAC types.

The emergency rules will be continued while permanent rule making is in progress under WSR 23-16-044, filed on July 25, 2023.

Reasons for this finding: The legislature established in 2SHB 1724, Section 33 that many sections of the bill are “necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions and take effect immediately.” Sections 13 through 20, which create the new AAC credentials and amends the definition of MHP, are among the sections that became effective immediately.

Under 2SHB 1724, RCW 71.05.020 was amended to define an MHP as an individual practicing within their credential’s scope of practice. Qualifying credentials include the certified and licensed AAC credential, but not the current AAC registration. Prior to the passage of 2SHB 1724, many MHPs performed assessments and made diagnoses with only a registration. After 2SHB 1724 became effective, however, they were required to obtain an AAC certification, AAC license, or other qualifying credential in order to continue providing these services. Establishing the new AAC credentials immediately by emergency rule and continuing these emergency rules allows MHPs to transition into the new credentials and continue providing essential behavioral health services while permanent rules are in progress.

If the department had waited to make these amendments through standard rule making, MHPs with an AAC registration would be both unable to continue assessing and diagnosing due to the changed MHP definition and unable to obtain a higher AAC credential that would allow them to continue that work. Continuing these emergency rules will allow MHPs who are AACs to continue serving Washington residents with behavioral health needs.

Methamphetamine Use in Transient Accommodations Interpretive Statement EHS-01-2024 246-360 WAC 24-12-032 Adopted

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) issued interpretive statement EHS-01-2024 advising local health officers on the application of chapter 64.44 RCW when personal use of methamphetamine is suspected in transient accommodations. Effective June 1, 2024. Filed as WSR 24-12-032 on May 29, 2024.

Midwives Limited Prescriptive License Extension and Health Equity Continuing Education 246-834 WAC 24-10-091 Adopted | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

The Department of Health (department) adopted amendments to chapter 246-834 WAC implementing Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5765 (chapter 289, Laws of 2022), which created two levels of limited prescriptive license extensions for midwives to prescribe, obtain, and administer medications and certain therapies. The department also adopted amendments to chapter 246-834 WAC to implement Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5229 (chapter 276, Laws of 2021) regarding health equity CE requirements. The adopted amendments additionally replace gendered language with gender-neutral terms to make the chapter more inclusive.

Midwives Limited Prescriptive License Extension and Health Equity Continuing Education 246-834 WAC 24-05-052 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The Department of Health (department) is proposing amendments to chapter 246-834 WAC to implement Substitute Senate Bill 5765 (chapter 289, Laws of 2022), which created two levels of limited prescriptive license extension for midwives to prescribe, obtain, and administer medications and therapies for the prevention and treatment of common prenatal and postpartum conditions, family planning methods, medical devices and implants. This bill also gave the Secretary of Health the authority to establish education requirements in the chapter. The department is also proposing amendments to implement Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5229 (chapter 276, Laws of 2021) regarding health equity continuing education requirements.

The public hearing will be hybrid. You can attend in person or virtually by registering via Zoom.

In Person

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Room 166/167
111 Israel Rd. S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501


Register in advance for this webinar: Zoom registration link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Written Comments

Submit written comments to:

Kathy Weed
PO Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852

Fax: 360-236-2901


Submit comments online.

Assistance for People with Disabilities

Contact Kathy Weed by March 25, 2024. 

Phone: 360-236-4883

TTY: 360-833-6388 or 711

Fax: 360-236-2901


Military Spouse Temporary Practice Permits WAC 246-918-076
WAC 246-919-397
23-19-029 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)

WAC 246-918-076 (Physician Assistants) and WAC 246-919-397 (Physicians), How to obtain a temporary practice permit—Military spouse. The Washington Medical Commission will consider amending these WACs in response to Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1009 (chapter 165, Laws of 2023), Military spouse employment act.

Military Spouses — Removing Barriers to Temporary Practice Permits WAC 246-12-051 24-06-028 Expedited | Read the CR-105 (PDF)

The Department of Health is proposing amendments to WAC 246-12-051 to update language changes made by Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1009 (chapter 165, Laws of 2023). The proposed changes will align the rules with statutory changes regarding licensure of military spouses who hold a license in another state.

Multistate Nursing License Fee (New) and Increase to Nursing Center Surcharge Fee WAC 246-840-990 24-02-057 Adopted | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

The Department of Health in consultation with the Washington State Board of Nursing (board), adopted amendments to WAC 246-840-990 to establish the multistate nursing license fee and increase the nursing center surcharge fee as directed by Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5499 (chapter 123, Laws of 2023).

Multistate Nursing License Fee (New) and Increase to Nursing Center Surcharge Fee WAC 246-840-990 23-22-060 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The Department of Health in consultation with the Board of Nursing, formerly known as the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, is proposing to increase the nursing center surcharge fee and proposing to create a new fee for a multistate nursing license in WAC 246-840-990. The proposed rule implements Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5499, Multistate Nurse Licensure Compact (Chapter 123, Laws of 2023).

The public hearing will be hybrid. Participants can attend at the physical location or virtually by registering on Zoom.

Physical Location

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Rooms 166 and 167
111 Israel Rd. S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501

Attend Virtually

Register in advance for this webinar: Zoom registration link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Written Comments

Submit written comments to:

Heather Cantrell 
PO Box 47850
Olympia, WA 98504-7850

Submit comments online.

Music Therapist Profession 246 WAC 23-22-034 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)

The Department of Health is considering creating a new chapter of rules under Title 246 WAC to establish licensing regulations for music therapists, including fees. The department will consider any necessary rules for an advisory committee.

Naloxone Nasal Spray as Over-the-Counter Status WSR 24-01-021 24-09-013 Emergency Rule | Read the CR-103E (PDF)

This emergency rule filing allows for the 3mg and 4mg dosage versions of naloxone spray to be prescribed as Over-The-Counter (OTC) products. This rule is unchanged from the previous emergency rule under WSR 24-01-021 filed on December 8, 2023. This emergency rule will be continued until the permanent rulemaking is effective.

Naloxone Nasal Spray Over-the-Counter (OTC) Status WAC 246-945-030
WAC 246-945-034 (new section)
24-01-021 Emergency Rule | Read the CR-103E (PDF)

To combat the ongoing opioid epidemic, The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission has adopted an emergency rule amending WAC 246-945-030 and adding a new section, WAC 246-945-034. These rules classify the 3mg and 4mg naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray as approved by the FDA for OTC distribution in Washington state. This filing reflects an FDA update which broadened the classification of allowed Naloxone products as OTC status. Filed as WSR 24-01-021 (PDF).

In March 2023, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first 4 mg naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug and has approved other naloxone nasal sprays since that time. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist used for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose. Currently, WAC 246-945-030 incorporates the 39th edition of the Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations, or "Orange Book," which has naloxone listed as a prescription drug. The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (commission) considers the ongoing opioid epidemic to be a public health emergency in Washington state. In order to combat this epidemic in Washington, the commission is amending WAC 246-945-030 and adding a new section, WAC 246-945-034, classifying the 3mg and 4mg naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray as approved by the FDA for OTC distribution as an OTC drug in Washington state.

The timeline for the availability of naloxone nasal spray is set by the manufacturers, although some are already available.

This emergency rule prepares Washington state for the moment that the drug becomes available by manufacturers. The proposed new section of chapter 246-945 WAC would also allow for expansion of different formularies if the FDA makes further changes. This preparation would allow for a faster release of the drug throughout the state, meaning this life saving drug would be in the hands of Washingtonians faster. Increasing patient access to the drug is critical to reduce opioid overdoses.

This emergency rule filing allows for the 3mg and 4mg dosage versions of naloxone spray to be prescribed as over-the-counter products. The previous emergency rule filing on this topic, filed as WSR 23-17-059 on August 11, 2023, only allowed the 4 mg nasal spray under the brand name Narcan to be prescribed as an OTC product, but the FDA broadened the classification of allowed naloxone products since that previous filing.

Naturopathic Licensure Requirements WAC 246-836-020
WAC 246-836-040
24-10-050 Pending formal proposal | Read the CR-101 (PDF)

The Board of Naturopathy is considering amendments to licensure requirements relating to the jurisprudence examination as a condition for licensure and to clarify, update, and simplify rules to comply with Second Substitute House bill (2SHB) 1724, (chapter 425, Laws of 2023) codified as RCW 18.130.077.

Naturopathic Non-Surgical Cosmetic Injection Administration Rules for Botulinum Toxin WAC 246-836-210 23-23-077 Adopted | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

The Board of Naturopathy adopted new rules that identify Botulinum Toxin (Botox) as a legend approved drug, clarify procedures that are within the scope of practice of naturopathic medicine, set training requirements, and establish minimum standards for the performance of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures by naturopathic physicians licensed in Washington state. The adopted rules also amend WAC 246-836-210 by removing the current exclusion for the use of Botox for cosmetic purposes.

Naturopathic Physician Continuing Education Requirements WAC 246-836-080 23-20-063 Accepting comments | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF)

The Board of Naturopathy is proposing amendments to ensure clear CE requirements including designation of pharmacology CE credits, classification of CE categories, and implementation of the health equity CE requirements, mandated by Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5229 (chapter 276, Laws of 2021).

For hearing and commenting information, please contact Rachel Phipps at 564-233-1277. 

Physical Location

Department of Health
Town Center 2, Room 153
111 Israel Road S.E.
Tumwater, WA 98501

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Submit written comments to:

Rachel Phipps
P.O. Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7864

Fax: 360-236-2901

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Naturopathic Physicians Continuing Competency WAC 246-836-080 24-02-062 Adopted | Read the CR-101 (PDF) | Read the CR-102 (PDF) | Read the CR-103 (PDF)

The Board of Naturopathy adopted amendments to WAC 246-836-080, to clarify continuing education (CE) requirements pertaining to pharmacology CE and to implement health equity CE requirements mandated by Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5229 (chapter 276, Laws of 2021), codified as RCW 43.70.613. The adopted amendments clarify acceptable forms of documentation to verify the pharmacology CE requirements and implement the Department of Health’s model health equity CE requirements.