Floods and Extreme Hydrologic Events

This webpage has guidance and resources for individuals, homeowners, and Local Public Health workers to help increase community partnerships and ensure better preparation and safer, more resilient communities.

The immediate health impacts of floods most often include drowning, heart attacks, injuries, animal bites, and hypothermia. The indirect effects include, injuries and infections, water-borne infectious disease, mental health problems, respiratory disease, and allergies in both the medium and longer term after a flood. Complications from untreated chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and HIV, likely increased deaths during recent floods due to lack of access to basic health care.

Due to policies like redlining, flooding and other disasters hit historically marginalized communities harder. Disasters cause financial burdens for families and businesses, as well as added health hazards. To correct this trend, we must fix inequities in flooding and disaster recovery policy, listen to and amplify historically underserved people, and ensure equitable distribution of resources.

Flood Planning and Preparation

Flood Response Resources

Additional Resources