Here are resources to help you fill out your annual Water Use Efficiency (WUE) report.
- Use the WUE Worksheet 331-767 (Word) to help you gather the necessary data to fill out the report.
- Read the Questions and Answers About Completing Your Annual WUE Report DOH 331-459 (PDF).
- Finally, these tips are also helpful, which are all included in Chapter 8 of the WUE Guidebook 331-375 (PDF).
- Once you've collected the data, go online to our online reporting system and submit your report.
- You can then search for your completed WUE Report (Senty Internet link).
General Information
- Be brief and concise when reporting. The online form has limited space.
- Avoid using graphs, tables, special characters, symbols, bold or underlined text, and special fonts. The database may see this as a security risk and delete it from your report. Instead, include this information on your website or annual report to customers.
- Please fill out all fields in the WUE report. Required fields won't allow you to proceed if you leave them blank.
- Submit your report even if you don't have all of the information. By submitting your WUE report to us, you can show your progress and meet the annual reporting requirement. Use the extra space provided at the end of the WUE report to explain any data fields you may have left empty.
- You'll need to know the first five numbers of your water system identification number to get into the reporting system.
- After 30 minutes of inactivity, the system is designed to close automatically. If this occurs, you will lose any information you entered. The system warns you before it closes and so you have an opportunity to keep working on the report.
- Use the WUE reporting worksheet to gather information before you submit the report.
- You will have an opportunity to review the report for accuracy before you submit. Once you submit the report, it will not reopen for editing.
Meter Information
- If your system isn't fully metered, tell us approximately what percentage of the system is metered and when you intend to be fully metered.
Reporting Year Information
- Select a reporting year from the drop-down box. The reporting year is just like a tax year.
- You may submit information from previous years.
- Twelve-month WUE Reporting Period: Enter the beginning and ending months that establish your annual data information. For example, if you determined that May 1 to April 30 is your annual data for the 2021 reporting year, enter 05/01/2020 to 04/30/2021.
- If you don't have a full year's worth of data (for example, maybe your software data collection system crashed), explain in the space provided.
Production, Consumption, and DSL Information
- Enter your total metered water use (total production), in gallons, from all sources for the year. This has nothing to do with your water rights. See Chapter 6 of the WUE Guidebook 331-375 (PDF) for a complete explanation as to what you need to report for total production.
- Enter your total metered water use (authorized consumption), in gallons, from all of your customers for the year. This has nothing to do with your water rights. See Chapter 6 of the WUE Guidebook 331-375 (PDF) for a complete explanation as to what you need to report for authorized consumption.
- After you enter total production and authorized consumption, the database automatically calculates DSL volume and percentage for the year.
- Three-year average DSL percentage automatically calculates once you submit three years' worth of data. The system drops the oldest year from the average.
Goal Setting Information
- Indicate the date that you held your public forum to establish goals.
- Identify the WUE goal established by the elected governing board. Make sure you identify a water savings target and timeframe for achieving the goal.
- Report all progress you have made in achieving water efficiency for your water system and your customers.
- Identify any WUE measures you are currently implementing (such as customer education, conservation rate structures, or offering low-flow showerheads).
- If you established a goal to maintain a historic level (such as maintaining daily consumption at 65 gallons per person per day for the next two years) you must explain why you are unable to reduce water use below that level.
- If you are exceeding the DSL standard, briefly explain what you are doing to control water loss by summarizing your water loss control action plan.
Questions? Call Brad Burnham 360-236-3102 or email