Standards for Adult Immunization Practice

What are the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice?

New Standards for Adult Immunization Practice CDC

The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) calls on ALL healthcare professionals – whether they provide vaccinations or not – to take steps to help ensure that their adult patients are fully immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases.

Please review the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

How do I ensure my adult patients are fully immunized?

Use this memory aid to help you keep adult patients up to date on their vaccinations.

Adults Require Really Amazing Doctors!

Adults – Assess

  • Assess the immunization status of all your patients at every clinical encounter.
    • Stay informed on the latest CDC Adult Immunization Schedule.
    • Evaluate your practice to see whether your patients are receiving needed vaccines.
    • Use reminders to help your practice stay on top of needed vaccines.

Require – Recommend

  • Make strong and clear recommendations for vaccines that your patients need.
    • Clear recommendations follow the SHARE framework: Share, Highlight, Address, Remind and Explain.

Really Amazing – Administer or Refer

  • Administer needed vaccines or refer your patient to a vaccination provider.
    • Recommend and offer vaccines at the same visit.
    • Implement standing orders or protocols.
    • Refer patients to providers in the area that offer vaccines that you don't stock.

Doctors! – Document

What tools are available to help me improve my immunization rates?

Additional Resources