Expedited Partner Therapy - EPT

Sex Partner Treatment of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Infections

Expedited Partner Therapy provides for the treatment of sex partners of infected individuals. This treatment can be offered without requiring partners to be tested or seen by health care providers.

All partners of patients who test positive for Chlamydia or Gonorrhea should be treated as if they are infected. If a physician takes responsibility to ensure partner treatment, the provider should examine and treat all of the persons the patient had sex with in the 60 days prior to the date the patient was tested. If this is not possible, patients may be given medication to give to their sex partners.

EPT Partner Packs

Information on current status of Washington Department of Health supplied EPT partner packs: Frequently asked questions about EPT (PDF)

Health Care Providers & Local Health Jurisdictions - Expedited Partner Therapy Recommendations

The following historical documents describe the collaborative efforts of the state and our partners to offer EPT in Washington State.

Washington State Provider Guidelines for Patient Delivered Therapy (PDF)

Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Commission Policy Statement (PDF)

Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Meetings - Expedited Partner Therapy (PDF)

Washington State Board of Pharmacy Treating Sex Partners of Patients (PDF)

Washington State Board of Pharmacy Meeting Minutes - Expedited Partner Therapy (PDF)

CDC Review and Guidance of Expedited Partner Therapy (PDF)

Patient Instructions

Instructions to Patients Taking Chlamydia Medications (PDF)

Instructions to Patients Taking Gonorrhea Medications (PDF)