Medicare Certification

For kidney centers interested in Medicare certification, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the Medicare regulations for end-stage renal disease:
  2. Contact the Department of Health'sCertificate of Need program at 360-236-2955 before applying forMedicare certification.
  3. Contact the department's Construction Review Services at 360-236-2944 prior to the start of construction for review and approval of construction documents.
  4. Once Certificate of Need and Construction Review Services approval is granted, submit the Medicare application (form 855A) to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Fiscal Intermediary (FI) (PDF).
  5. The FI will review form 855A and, if approved, will send a copy of the approval to the Medicare Program in the Office of Investigation and Inspection.
  6. The Medicare Program employee in the Office of Investigation and Inspection will contact the applicant and request specific Medicare-related forms to be completed.
  7. Submit the completed forms to the Medicare Program in the Office of Investigation and Inspection.
  8. After review and acceptance of the application materials, the department's Office of Investigation and Inspection survey team conducts an on-site survey before recommending the end-stage renal disease for Medicare certification.