Frequently Asked Questions

Definitions and Terminology | Supervision | Limitations | Practice Settings | BHSS Curriculum | Practicum 

Definitions and Terminology

What is the BHSS certification?

The Behavioral Health Support Specialist (BHSS) is a new profession in Washington State, established by the legislature in the 2023 legislative session through  Substitute Senate Bill 5189. The BHSS is a bachelor level credential with competencies designed to prepare the credential holder to provide brief, evidence-based interventions for mental health, substance use, or co-occurring disorders. Following SSB 5189, the University of Washington (UW) worked with interested parties to develop competency-based curriculum for BHSS programs.

Why is the BHSS a “certification” instead of a “license”?

The department issues credentials with different titles and designations: registrations, certifications and licenses. The legislation that created the BHSS designated that this credential would be a certification. 


Can a BHSS work independently?

No. A BHSS must work under the supervision of a Washington state credentialed provider who can assess, diagnose, and treat identifiable mental and behavioral health conditions as part of their scope of practice. Qualified professionals include: 

  • Advanced social worker or associate license under chapter 18.225 RCW
  • Independent clinical social worker or associate license under chapter 18.225 RCW
  • Marriage and family therapist or associate license under chapter 18.225 RCW
  • Mental health counselor or associate license under chapter 18.225 RCW
  • Osteopathic physician license under chapter 18.57 RCW
  • Physician license under chapter 18.71 RCW
  • Physician assistant license under chapter 18.71A RCW
  • Psychiatric advanced practice registered nurse license under chapter 18.79 RCW; or 
  • Psychologist or associate license under chapter 18.83 RCW

Other providers may also be eligible to provide BHSS supervision if they: 

  • Hold a Washington state credential issued by another state agency; and 
  • Have the ability to assess, diagnose, and treat identifiable mental and behavioral health conditions as part of their scope of practice. 
I want to be a clinical supervisor for a BHSS. What are my responsibilities?

Clinical supervisors for a BHSS are responsible for: 

  • Supervising a BHSS's treatment of clients and ensuring the BHSS does not exceed their scope of practice; 
  • Providing regular, outcome-focused supervision appropriate for the BHSS's training, education, and experience; 
  • Providing competent supervision based on the supervisor's own level of training, education, and experience; and 
  • Ensuring that behavioral health consultation is available to the BHSS if necessary. 


Can a BHSS make behavioral health diagnoses?

No. A BHSS does not have within their scope of practice to assess or diagnose behavioral health conditions. A BHSS provides brief, symptom-based interventions for behavioral health conditions. A patient does not need to have a formal diagnosis for a BHSS to provide interventions to assist the symptoms that person experiences.

Practice Settings

Where can a BHSS work?

A BHSS may be employed in any setting where the following conditions are met: 

  • A setting where behavioral health services are offered. 
  • A setting where there is a qualified professional to supervise the BHSS.  

These settings could include crisis, diversion, outreach, medical, clinic, hospital, confinement, residential treatment, or other settings where the above two conditions are met.  

BHSS Curriculum

I studied mental health, substance use disorders, and/or behavioral healthcare before the BHSS credential existed. Does my education count toward the BHSS curriculum?

All applicants for behavioral health support specialist certification, regardless of prior education, must complete a BHSS Curriculum approved to be consistent with the standards established by the University of Washington. Approved BHSS education programs under WAC 246-821-800 and WAC 246-821-810 may grant a student credit for previously completed, relevant course instruction, up to 15 quarter or 10 semester credits.  

Where can I learn more about the Behavioral Health Support Specialist profession?

The University of Washington developed competencies and the curriculum map for BHSS education programs. You may find more information on UW BHSS Clinical Training Program's website


What does my practicum need to cover?

All supervised experience required for behavioral health support specialist certification must be completed under a practicum supervisor as defined in WAC 246-821-215

Before the practicum begins or within the first month of the practicum, the student shall meet with the supervisor to: 

  • Develop a written plan for developing clinical skills, including graduated participation in facilitating clinical encounters; 
  • Set goals and expectations for the duration of the practicum; 
  • Establish a schedule for supervision, which may include group supervision in addition to required individual supervision; and 
  • Identify an alternate supervisor, if possible, in case the primary supervisor is unavailable. 

Practicum supervisors must provide regular supervision, with at least biweekly individual or triadic supervision, and at least one in-person supervision session per quarter. 

During the practicum, a BHSS student must complete at least: 

  • 240 practicum hours; 
  • 12 hours of individual or triadic supervision; 
  • 60 hours of direct client contact, including co-delivery of services with a supervisor or other certified or licensed behavioral health provider or substance use disorder professional. 

Finally, a BHSS must demonstrate at least one clinical skill from each of the eight competency domains listed in WAC 246-821-110. The clinical supervisor must attest to the BHSS student’s completion of these practicum requirements on the Verification of Supervised Experience form (PDF).  

How do I find a practicum site?

During the application process, BHSS Education Programs are required to attest that they have identified practicum sites that meet the requirements of WACs 246-821-200 through 246-821-215.  Your program instructors and program lead should be able to assist with practicum placement for all BHSS students.