Volunteering as a Health Professional in Washington State on a Limited Basis

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Related links

More resources for health professionals | Healthcare Professional’s Demographic Data Survey

In 2014, the Washington State Legislature passed Engrossed House Bill 2351 (PDF), which authorizes healthcare providers licensed in another United States (U.S.) jurisdiction to practice in Washington State on a limited, volunteer basis even if they don't hold a Washington State credential. The law has very strict limitations on who can practice in Washington State. The provider must meet all of the following requirements:

  • The volunteer healthcare professional's license must be for a profession substantially equivalent to a profession regulated by a disciplining authority listed in RCW 18.130.040.
  • The volunteer healthcare professional must submit an attestation to the department at least 10 working days (not including Saturday, Sunday and Washington State holidays) in advance of volunteering in Washington State, including anticipated practice dates.
  • If the person is volunteering as part of a sponsoring group, the group's name and contact information must be included.
  • The healthcare professional must hold a current, active license from a U.S. jurisdiction. The license must currently not be subject to any disciplinary action or investigation for criminal or professional misconduct in any jurisdiction.
  • The healthcare professional may perform only within the relevant professional scope of practice permitted under Washington State law, or U.S. jurisdiction of licensure, whichever is more restrictive.
  • The healthcare professional may not have volunteered in Washington State for more than 30 days in the current calendar year.
  • The volunteer healthcare professional may not charge for any time or services performed in Washington State, but a sponsoring organization may pay for travel expenses.

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