Wound Care Management and Sharp Debridement Endorsements

Frequently Asked Questions

What is wound care management and sharp debridement?

The legislature passed Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5018 (PDF) during the 2011 legislative session. The bill expanded the occupational therapist scope of practice to include wound care management and sharp debridement with appropriate education and training. The bill outlines the definitions of wound care management and sharp debridement. It also outlines the required education and training.

Why do I need endorsements?

Endorsements for wound care management and sharp debridement aren't a requirement of licensure. However, if you're an occupational therapist (OT) and you're going to perform wound care management or sharp debridement as defined in SSB 5018, you must have the endorsement(s).

How do I get the endorsements?

SSB 5018 outlines the requirements for wound care management and sharp debridement endorsements. You must submit the Declaration of Completed Statutory Requirements for Wound Care Management and Sharp Debridement Endorsements to the Department of Health.

Do I have to apply for both endorsements?

No. You may apply for the wound care management endorsement without applying for the sharp debridement endorsement. But, if you apply for the sharp debridement endorsement, you must apply for both endorsements.

Are there additional fees for the endorsements?

No. You don't have to pay additional fees for the endorsements.

Will the endorsements be printed on my license?

Yes. Your license will show the endorsement(s).

Do I need to wait until I renew my license to receive the endorsements?

No. Once we receive a completed Declaration of Completed Statutory Requirements for Wound Care Management and Sharp Debridement Endorsements (PDF), we'll send you a copy of your license with the endorsement(s) printed on it.

Do I need to submit yearly verifications of continuing certification or training?

No. Once you've submitted the Declaration of Completed Statutory Requirements for Wound Care Management and Sharp Debridement Endorsement you don't need to send any additional information.

If I'm a certified hand therapist or a wound care specialist, do I meet the requirements for both endorsements?

If you're a certified hand therapist by the Hand Therapy Certification Commission, or a certified wound care specialist by the National Alliance of Wound Care, you meet the requirements to receive both endorsements. You must submit the Declaration of Completed Statutory Requirements for Wound Care Management and Sharp Debridement Endorsements (PDF) to the Department of Health.

What if I'm certified by a different organization than those listed in SSB 5018?

If you're certified by an organization other than those listed in SSB 5018, the Occupational Therapy Practice Board will need to approve the organization as an "equivalent" organization. The board will compare detailed information about the certification program to the organizations listed in SSB 5018, and will determine if the requirements are equivalent.

Where may I find more information?